“…Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away
from Me; nevertheless, not My will, but Yours, be done.” Luke 22:22
How many of us ask for the Will of God in
our prayer request? We ask God for what we want, when we want and how we want,
using the relevant bible passages to back us up. But we conveniently forget to
ask for His Will.
In my faith journey, there were times I was scared
to pray for the Will of God, because I was worried I would come short. But as I continued to grow, I knew the Will of God was for my good and not evil.
When we gave our life to Christ and we
asked Him to be our master, this meant we now belong to Him. His Son had
ransomed us and paid the price. We live for Him, by Him and through Him. Yes,
God is interested in every detail of our life, and yes, He said He will grant
us the desires of our heart, however our desires must be aligned with His plan
and purpose for us.
We should not be asking God to rubber stamp
our decisions because the request is biblical. God’s purpose for your life
might only be fulfilled effectively if certain things or circumstances are in
place in your life.
Permissive will is taking a risk. When we persist,
and God gives us what we want, the end thereof might not be what we expect.
Anything that God gives us by Himself would bring everlasting Joy. The
Israelites demanded a King, God gave them Saul and we know the end of that.
There are general things that the Will of
God is very clear in His word; healing, provision, protection, guidance,
salvation etc are all in His covenant name, examples; Jehovah Jireh -God my
provider; Jehovah Nissi - God my healer; Jehovah Rapha - God my provider. When
we pray these, they are in line with His Will for our life and His covenant
with us.
There are times that things within the
general promises are specific to us and our situation and we need to
appropriate it. A person who develops a terminal illness prays to God for
healing according to His promises.
Jesus Christ in the garden of Gethsemane
(Mathew 26:39) prayed to God to take away the suffering ahead, but he ended it
with ‘not my will but yours’. This shows us the perfect way to pray for our
desires and still ensure it will be in line with God’s Will. We have the
assurance that the end would be great even if we must go through some difficult
and painful time for a short while.
Jesus was honoured and sits at the right hand
of God because He stayed in the Will of his Father. When we do the Will of God,
we enjoy peace that surpasses all understanding.
You can only be in the Will of God if you
have already given your life to Jesus Christ and you are living a holy life
under the direction of the Holy Spirit. If you have not done so, I ask that you
reconsider. You are missing out on so many wonderful promises of a victorious,
joyful and peaceful life in this world and the promise of eternity with Christ.
If you would like to give your life to
Jesus, just repeat this prayer; ‘Father I come to you as a sinner, I confess I
am a sinner, I believe that Your Son Jesus Christ came into the world and died
for my sins. I ask that from this moment forward you come into my life and be
my Lord and Saviour. Where you lead I will follow. Direct my paths from
henceforth and help me to grow in you all the days of my life. Amen’
If you prayed this prayer, I encourage you
to go to a bible teaching church as directed by the Holy Spirit and continue to
pray for God to help you to grow spiritually.
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be
with us all.
I pray that this
inspires you to reflect on your relationship with Elohim and be determined to
be more and do more for Him in 2020.