By Adeola Akintoye
We thank the Almighty God that we are alive, that we are counted among the living. But are we living? Or we are just going through life? Would anyone remember us for good when we die (except our family?) or would it be ‘lived in the world but was not known?’
a. Jesus died and rose to give us LIFE
- Eternal life: John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life”.
- Life of purpose (meaningful, victorious and impactful)
o John 10:10 ‘The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full’. This refers to life here on earth because the thief (devil) will not be with us in heaven to steal, kill and destroy. He does that here on earth, therefore Jesus gives us abundant life here on earth as well
o Eph 4:1”…Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the LORD, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God’
The purpose is not activated in our life until we give our life to Jesus.
Let’s first describe what we mean by ‘living’ and ‘to lead’
There are so many definition of leadership. My very simple definition is ‘influencing others to do certain things or take a specific course of action/behavior’. The key word is INFLUENCE.
You have people who are influenced by what you do, they listen to you, do what you ask them etc. The motive for this varies; it could be because of your position (in the family, your organization, your church etc), your status (money, network etc), your charisma, your character, your output (work) or even obsession.
One way or the other you influence their action, behavior, wellbeing, thought process, their life. This influence can be positive or negative (example positive Jesus Christ, Nelson Mandela. Example negative Adolf Hitler)
As a Christian our main priority/goal is to positively influence people to Christ. The great commission Jesus gave in Mark 16:15, 16 ‘And then he told them, “Go into the entire world and preach the Good News to everyone. Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved’
We can preach the good news directly (telling people) or indirectly (by how we live)
Living is described (adjective) being alive, having life, active and thriving. Example we are living persons/beings, we have a living faith
LIVING TO LEAD is being alive to influence people to Christ
This is our purpose.
This is how we can make our life count.
This is how we can activate the purpose for which Jesus Christ died.
This is how we can be effective as Christian
Let’s do a little bit of history here. In the beginning, the initial purpose, I believe was to live for eternity on earth (because death did not come until Eve sinned) and to enjoy fellowship with God (in Gen 3:8 It says the man and his wife heard God walking about in the garden…they know his footstep because it was familiar, they were probably looking out for it as well so that they could hide as they were ashamed of their nakedness).
As a result of the sin, not only was man punished, the earth was cursed as well (Gen 3:17) so that man might struggle to scratch living out of it.
Because of God’s love, He put in place a plan to restore us back to Him. This involves His Son coming to the earth and dying for our sin. Not only that there will be a new earth:
· Is 65:1,’ Look! I am creating new heavens and a new earth,
and no one will even think about the old ones anymore’.
· 2 Pet 3:13, ‘But we are looking forward to the new heavens and new earth he has promised, a world filled with God’s righteousness’.
· Rev21:1; ‘Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the old heaven and the old earth had disappeared. And the sea was also gone’
Before this will happen God needs us to spread the gospel so that as many as are called may hear the good news and be saved.
Jesus Christ said the end will come when the gospel has been preached to all nations;
· Math 24:14, ‘And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come
· Mark 13:10,’ For the Good News must first be preached to all nations’
Direct preaching is the easy part, but when we are talking about leading it relates more to how we influence people to Christ by our lives.
We are clear about our purpose. We might be feeling how do I influence Lord, how can I lead people with my life, with how I live, what I do?
We need a vision from God. A guiding principle for me is directly from the bible – the teaching of God. This helps me to align my vision, my goal, and my plans to God.
In Mathew 22:34 – 40 and Mark 12:29-31, when the Pharisees (teachers of the Law wanted to trap Jesus with the question about the most important law, He told them; ‘The most important is loving God with all our heart and our soul, our mind and our strength’. He also said the second equally important is to love our neighbor as you. When you do these, you have fulfilled the intent of the 10 commandment and it summarizes all of God’s law.
When what you do can directly demonstrate the fulfillment of these two commandment, you are aligned with God’s vision and purpose for your life
· Love God: what you do or say brings glory to God
· Love others: what you do to or for others add value to their life, impacts their life positively
o Mark 9:35, gives you a principle on how we can do this. Jesus said ‘whoever wants to be first must take last place and be the servant of everyone else’
§ Its about serving others
§ Putting people first
§ It’s about sacrificial giving, not necessarily giving money, it could be your time, your talents
§ It is a decision that requires commitment
Maybe we might be thinking I can show I love God but demonstrating love to others is a challenge. I don’t have anything, no time; I want to do but am limited in this or that. It does not matter who we are, where we are in life now.
Two ways you can influence people no matter who you are is by the quality of your work and the content of your character:
· The quality of your work
o We must show forth the excellence of Him who has called us out of the kingdom of darkness. We are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood. No shoddy job. Utmost quality
· Content of your character
o Integrity. Jesus said let your yes be yes and no is no
o Humility. God resists the proud and give grace to the humble. 1 Pet 5:5
o Patience, Tolerance, love, peace etc (The fruit of the Spirit)
The fruit of the Spirit is evidenced in our character
I love standing on the Word of God. Because He is not man that should lie. Jesus said, ‘Heaven and earth will disappear but my words will never disappear’. His word is yea and amen.
· Math 5:13-16
o We are the salt of the earth – to add value, I am of value to this world, to preserve, I preserve what is good, counteract the decay in this generation, used in grain offering (Lev 2:13) remind the world of God’s faithfulness, His eternal covenant. I am to preserve and purify the world
o We are the light of the world – where there is light, darkness disappear, where there is light people gravitate towards it, light provides direction, light was the first thing that God created. I am the light, I must let it shine
· We have been given power through the Holy Spirit
o He promised us this Acts 1:14; ‘You will receive power when the H.S comes upon you.
o Mark 16: 17-18; ‘these miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new languages'. They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed.”
o The H.S produces fruit in our lives Gal 5:22. The fruit of the Spirit is not by the work of our hand but by the Spirit of God inside of us
o Know who you are in Christ
o Know yourself: your talents, gifts, weaknesses (the enemy will try to attack you through your area of weakness in order to truncate God’s purpose in your life)
o Seek wisdom, knowledge and understanding (This is only from God)
§ Prov 10:14; Wise people treasure knowledge, but the babbling of a fool invites disaster
§ Prov 3:143; ‘For wisdom is more profitable than silver, and her wages are better than gold’
§ Prov 3:13; ‘Joyful is the person who finds wisdom, the one who gains understanding’
o Keep learning (from experience, from inspiring people).
§ Prov 18:15; ‘Intelligent people are always ready to learn, their ears are open for knowledge
§ If you stop listening to instruction, my child, you will turn your back on knowledge.
o Be hard working. Prov 21:5 says the plans of the diligent leads to profit / good planning and hard work lead to prosperity
o Encourage yourself: When David was down, he encouraged himself in the Lord. Keep your focus on the vision God has given you. When the vision is from God, unless you become lazy and give up, it will surely come to fruition
§ Hab 2:2; ‘This vision is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed
§ Keep on. Every step forward is one step towards your goal
o Testify, testify, testify: our testimonies not only proclaim the goodness of God in our lives but it:
§ Reminds us as well
§ Keep you going
§ Keep you in the joy of the Lord. Whenever you testify, you are filled with Joy
§ We overcome challenges (Rev 12:11 ‘ we overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimonies’)
o Pray without ceasing. When are prayers are aligned with those two commandment, it will be answered
The foundation of our life is Jesus Christ. Everything I have said is for those who have given their lives to Christ and who are living a God centered life.
Are you here but you have not given your life to Jesus, you come to Church but you continue to harden your heart against total surrender? To live a life that is purposeful, impactful and effective, you need Jesus. He is the only one that can give you LIFE.
Have you given your life to Jesus before but for one reason or the other you have backslidden, you can’t see any evidence of the fruit of the Spirit in your life and you’ve been trying to find your way back. God is faithfully and just to forgive all our iniquities. Don’t worry what people will say. It is your life and it’s about your relationship with Jesus. Take that bold step now and ask for forgiveness. He is ready and willing to take you back.
If you are in any of the two groups above and would like to give your life to Jesus, just repeat this prayer; ‘Father I come to you as a sinner, I confess I am a sinner, I believe that Your Son Jesus Christ came into the world and died for my sins. I ask that from this moment forward you come into my life and be my Lord and Saviour. Where you lead I will follow. Direct my paths from henceforth and help me to grow in you all the days of my life. Amen’
If you prayed this prayer, I encourage you to go to a bible teaching church as directed by the Holy Spirit and continue to pray for God to help you to grow spiritually. I would like to join you in prayers so write to me
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