He is inexplicable;
Highly indescribable;
To have such a God;
Beyond words, beyond thoughts, and beyond imagination;
This God of wonders…..
In today’s world, the concept of Christianity, as well as its basic principles is fading away. This is highly prevalent among the youths and adolescents of our time. The problem is that most youths think that the standards of God are way high above and beyond reach. Little do we know that God is a God of wonder who understands us for who we are.
As youths, our worries include academics, finances, relationships as well as the constant battle to please peers. Though we are expected to be different from the world, it is possible to relate with God on such a level that He becomes a friend rather than some supreme Deity. The same way He is able to relate to a 76 year old, He is also able to relate to a 16 or 26 year old.
There is one strategy that always works for me; I always tell it as it is. If I am angry I tell Him exactly that; if it is a guy that I like but I’m confused about, I tell Him exactly that; if it is a subject I find difficult to understand, I tell it as it is. This works because I realised that this God is a God of wonder but always remember, the same way He is a God of love, He is also a consuming fire…for those that disobeys Him. How wonderful.
As youths, we always expect so much from God and due to our impatience, we tand to move away from him when we encounter some problems, difficulties or disappointments. Despite all these, he is patient with us and even longs for our return when we go away from him. Considering the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-31, the father (God) even celebrated the return of the lost son with the sacrifice of the fattest cow. God loves us so much and he cleanses and purifies us when we return to him. No sin is too big, no person is too bad, no mistakes too many that cannot be cleansed by the blood of his dear son. To demonstrate his love for us, he made his son available and allowed him to die fro our sins (John 3:16).
I love the words of the teacher in Ecclesiastes 12:1which says :”do not let the excitement of your youth cause you to forget your creator, honor him in your youth before you grow old and say life is not pleasurable anymore (New living translation). Who the life of a Christian youth should not be exciting? God is not against excitement, happiness and pleasure but the emphasis is laid on not forgetting the lord in the days of our youth when we have the greatest amount of strength. Let us not lavish our energies, let us redirect and focus our mind on discovering the amazing God of wonder. Shalom.
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