Love is a wonderful emotion. It brings joy to the heart, smile to the face, a spring in your step.
In picture, love is represented as a heart. This is because it is an emotion in and from the heart.
Love is patient.
I have reflected and pondered and come to the conclusion that impatience is birth when we want things our own way, in our own time, according to our own standard. We get impatient when someone does not meet OUR expectation. We get impatient with God when we do not get answers to our prayers at the time we want it. Impatience is all about I, ME, and MINE.
One of the lessons I learnt early on in leading people is that each one of us has unique abilities that is personal to us. Expecting other people to do things exactly how I would have done it will not necessary lead to the standard I would have achieved. On the other hand it demotivates, brings conflict and enable a working environment that is riddled with stress.

Each of my three daughters are so uniquely different. I have learnt to appreciate their uniqueness and relate with them according to their gifting. It has and is still teaching me patience from a place of love.
Be a little patient with those you love because love is patient.
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