Thursday, 22 October 2020

Wordfortheweek Week 41 #Transition

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV 

Transition is defined by the Oxford dictionary as a process or period of changing from one state or condition to another. 

The world is going through transition now because of the COVID-19 pandemic. My country Nigeria is going through a transition with the protest by young people against police brutality. I am going through one as well, changing jobs after nearly eight years. Everyone goes through a transition at least once in their lives whether they like it or not.

Transition could be planned or unplanned, wanted or not. Transition brings about change and an opportunity for a new beginning. The process could be painful, especially if you do not like change. People who love what is familiar would not enjoy the transition period, because it would take them out of their comfortable zone.

When transition is forced on you, do not let fear of the unknown suck you into depression. When we do not want to let go of what is familiar, life becomes a challenge especially when the change is not in your control. The world we live in now is going through a transition that is impacting every one of us in different ways. We cannot stop it. But we can take charge of living through the transition positively.

Transition has many positives, it could be a period of rest. Taking time out to rest from the work of the past, a period of refreshing and energising before the new begins.

It could also be a period of purging the bad from the past. So that you don’t take your baggage into the new.

It could be a period of innovation and new opportunities. It is a period of searching, asking, refining new ways of doing things and new ways of living.

It is a period of hope, about the future you are stepping into. Trusting in the Lord who knows the future, that it shall be well.

What about transition from an unbeliever to a believer in Christ? This is the most exciting, because old things have passed and all things have become new. You have opportunity to leave behind the pain and sorrows of the past, put your cares and worries on Yeshua and he shall grant you peace of mind. Your life will be looking forward to an eternal future as planned by Elohim at the beginning of creation. 

Whatever transition you are going through, embrace it and look forward to a better future.


Almighty Father, thank You for the gift of my salvation. Grant me the grace to embrace my new life in Yeshua. Help me to see the positives in every transition in my life for the glory of your name. In the name of Yeshua I pray. Amen.

I pray that this inspire you to reflect on your relationship with Elohim and be determined to be more and do more for Him each day. 



Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Wordfortheweek Week 40 #Transformed

Then Simon himself also believed; and when he was baptized he continued with Philip, and was amazed, seeing the miracles and signs which were done. Acts 8:13 NKJV

Heaven rejoices when a sinner receives Jesus as Lord and Saviour. Giving my life to Christ was both joyful and scary. I knew it was the beginning of a life I do not know, one with such high standard that no one could ever live it without the help of the Holy Spirit.

Now, about fifteen years down the line by the grace of Yeshua, I looked back and realise that Christianity is a journey and not a single event.

When Simon, a sorcerer believed in the message of the gospel and was baptised, there would have been rejoicing, testimonies and thanksgiving. This man became fervent, he followed Phillip all over the place, the chief protocol officer. People would have looked to him as the example of a life changed.

But was his life actually transformed?

Simon saw the power of the Holy Spirit fell upon the new believers by the laying of hands, and he was amazed. He wanted some of that power. And this was how the state of his heart became exposed. He saw that it was through the laying on of the apostles’ hands that the Holy Spirit was given. He thought in error that he could bribe Peter by offering money to get this power so that he too could lay hands on people to receive the Holy Spirit.

Simon honoured the Lord with his lips but his heart was far from him. He believed the Lordship of Jesus but he had no understanding of the way of Yeshua. Because there was no genuine repentance from his selfish, power-hungry nature. He was attracted by the miracles, signs and wonder, rather than the giver of these things. His heart was not yet transformed by the light of the gospel.

He was seeking power not the giver of the power.

Believing in Yeshua and getting baptised is not the beginning and the end of your salvation. The beginning is a heart of genuine repentance and letting go of all your old ways. This starts with the decision you make to become a new creation in Yeshua Jesus. Then taking that step to transform your heart and mind through the study and meditation on the word of Elohim. 

Test your heart to know whether you are a new creation in Yeshua or faking it like Simon the sorcerer.


Almighty Father, thank You for the gift of my salvation. Create in me a pure heart, O God. Renew a steadfast spirit within me. Grant me a willing spirit to be transformed into the image of my Saviour Yeshua Christ Jesus by whose name I pray. Amen.

I pray that this inspire you to reflect on your relationship with Elohim and be determined to be more and do more for Him each day. 



Tuesday, 20 October 2020

#Wordfortheweek Week 39 #Identity

“Now when the tempter came to Him, he said, “If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.”” Matthew 4:3 NKJV

One of my childhood memories was how proud I was of my father’s name. In those days, neighbours knew each other, children were also known by name. Wherever you are, whatever you do was a reflection of your family, especially your father. I was recognised by my father’s name. What I did in public reflected on him. Your character outside your family was seen and noted by neighbours, and it got back to your parents. And boy, was I scared of hearing that statement: “I will report you to your father.”

Growing up, my identity was through my parent. I belonged to this particular family, whose values and culture defined who I was. I did things with the consciousness of this identity. I wanted to make my family proud not shamed; to do well in school, to have friends of ‘good’ families, not to get into trouble. It was very much who I had to be as well.

Oxford dictionary defines Identity as the fact of being who or what a person is. It is also defined as the characteristics that determine who or what a person is, that makes them similar or different from others.

Understanding who you are give you a sense of belonging. A strong sense of identity will enable you to face any challenges of life with confidence. Identity crisis in a person is when you do not know who or what you are, where you belong and where you are going. It impacts what you do and the decisions you make. 

In the passage above, Jesus was tempted firstly at the core of his identity - the Son of God, the very  essence of who and what he was and still is.  Denying his identity was denying who he was. The work of salvation was dependent on his identity as the son of God.

‘If you are the Son of God...,’ was a direct attack on who he is. 

If Jesus did not know who he was, or was suffering from identity crisis, it would have been a slam dunk for the devil.

When I gave my life to Christ, my identify became in Him. I was adopted as a son into the family of Elohim God.

We are living in such a time of uncertainties but the only thing that is certain is our identity. Many believers are leaning into their relationship with Yeshua Christ Jesus but many are not, because of identity crisis.

We might not know what tomorrow will bring but we know who owns our tomorrow because we belong to Him. In Him we live, move and have our being.

If you do not know your identity in Christ, as an adopted son of Yahweh, the devil will toss you all over the place with fear. However, it is not just knowing your identity in Christ, but believing, understanding and embracing all the qualities of that identity. 

Read the bible and research what it says about your identity in Christ. Believe your identity, say it,  meditate on it and accept it.

Transform your thinking. And importantly fellowship with like-minded believers to strengthen you.


Almighty Father, thank You for the gift of my salvation. Thank you for adopting me as one of your own. I accept, embrace and own my identity in Christ Jesus. Give me the grace to stand for who I am even in the face of adversity.  In the name of Yeshua I pray. Amen

I pray that this inspire you to reflect on your relationship with Elohim and be determined to be more and do more for Him each day. 

