But to each one of us, grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift. 8 Therefore He says: “When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive, And gave gifts to men.” Ephesians 4:7,8 (NKJV)
A spiritual gift is more than ability. It is fashioned in your DNA. It is part of the material of your body. You can try to get training, copy someone; it just won’t work. You will exert energy and never get to the level of quality that someone who has the gift has.
That is why I avoid saying things like, ‘I want your anointing’ or ‘let your anointing rub on me’.
You cannot get your spiritual gift from a human. It comes from Elohim God. However, God uses humans to activate it through various means, including laying of hands, spoken words of prophecy, mantle, anointing oil. The Bible is full of examples. Spiritual gifts are special abilities given by God.
In this series on gifts, we shall be identifying spiritual gifts, their purpose, and how we can make them practical in our daily lives and discover and activate them.
We shall not be going deep into each gift. I would recommend a kingdom-focused school of ministry for those who want to go even deeper and maybe sharpen their understanding and gifts.
I went through a nine-month master class where we went deeper in this and other aspects of the consecrated life. The School is run by saints operating in the fivefold under the leadership of Apostle George and Pastor Grace Akalonu. And you know what; this is a free teach, train, equip, activate, and release ministry. There is no school fee but the grace of freewill giving. I shall be referring to some materials from the School over this series too.
I encourage believers to search and study the scriptures like the Berean Christians. Then, ask the Holy Spirit for revelation according to the gift that is in you.
The purpose of spiritual gifts is revealed in Scripture:
- It gives us the ability to fulfil the mandate to go ye and make disciples of nations (Matthew 28, Mark 18). As a witness to the world, for the Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power (1 Cor 4:20).
- It gives us the power for the work of ministry (Acts 1:8). We need these spiritual gifts to fulfil the mandate. We are not an empty barrel, but one loaded with power.
- It helps us serve, edify and build each other up to the fullness of Yeshua (Ephesians 4:12). We use it to benefit the body of Christ - Ekklesia, to serve one another, not jealously guarded or limited to one denomination/parish (1 Corinthians 12:7, 1 Peter 4:10). It helps us to equip the saints for the work of their ministry. We are to use them well, not think we are better than we really are (Romans 12:3,6).
Spiritual gifts are not for personal aggrandisement, gain, sale, waste, misuse or unuse
How do we receive, discover, and manifest these gifts?
Every human created by Jehovah has spiritual gifts in them – latent. It is activated by the Holy Spirit when they get into a relationship with Yeshua Jesus Christ.
Without getting into a theological debate, the word of God says we shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon us. There is a process. The disciples were with Yeshua for three years before his death, then forty days after his resurrection before ascending to heaven. Yet, they waited another ten days before they were baptised with the Holy Spirit.
We read a slightly different process with Apostle Paul and many others. The important point is that when Yeshua baptise you with the Holy Spirit, your spiritual gift is activated. The physical manifestation might be immediate or over a period of time, especially if you are not active in the work of the Kingdom. The fastest way to see its manifestation is to start serving in your local assembly and evangelising. And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs (Mark 16:20).
If you are like me, it took me a while after the baptism of the Holy Spirit to see any physical manifestation in a way, except the passion to know God more and to share the gospel through evangelism. I do have the sense that I haven’t even discovered much, because I am still on a journey to deepening my relationship with the Lord.
I think, in a way, to be honest, I am hesitant to, because according to Luke 12:48. More will be demanded to one who has been given much, and to the one entrusted with much, more will be asked. I guess fear is also what makes our gifts latent.
Unfortunately, some people never discover nor use their gifts before they die—what a shameful loss.
To be continued.
Almighty Father, thank you for the gift of my life. May we stir up our spiritual gifts and use them for the glory of Yeshua Christ Jesus. Amen
If you accept Jesus or turn back to him, please get in touch. I am so excited! You give me hope and joy and are my proud reward and crown when I stand before our Lord Jesus when he returns. Yes, you are our pride and joy (1Thessalonians 2:19-20 NLT).
Inbox me, email me, just get in touch. I want to join you in prayers every day
My email is info@adeolaakintoye.com
I pray that this inspires you to reflect on your relationship with Elohim and be determined to be more and do more for Him each day.
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