Monday, 26 May 2014

If you are willing..

This past week has been awesome. I witnessed the healing power of the Holy Spirit as a sister in my Church was healed after walking on crutches for four months.

Every time, I see the manifestation of God's power it blows me away. Earlier this year, another sister of mine delivered a bouncing baby girl after waiting on the LORD for eleven years with three miscarriages and an ectopic pregnancy. When you are going through one challenge or the other, especially that which you have no control over what can you do but to depend on God? When God answers your prayers it would seem as if you were dreaming.

As I continue my bible study goal - currently reading the Book of Mark. I was reading the many miracles of Jesus again with new revelation. You can take lessons from each one; however the one that I would like to focus on here is that of the Leper (Mark 1:40-45). This man had leprosy, with no hope of cure at that time. He would have been living in isolation; no family, no job, no social like except with like lepers. I wonder how he was able to get through the people and reach Jesus? Yet he did. How long had he been in that condition we don't know. Yet he had not given in to his terrible condition. He heard about Jesus and got up to make his way to Him. I can just imagine him covering himself from head to toe, making his way through the crowd to kneel at the feet of Jesus say, 'If You are willing, You can make me clean.'

And Jesus moved with compassion responded, 'I am willing, be cleansed.' Immediately the leprosy left him. Can you imagine the mouth gaping, eye popping wonder! It would seem like a dream; one minute the man whose skin was full of lesion now has a skin as soft and smooth like a baby.

Jesus is willing to cleanse us from all our infirmities. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. When He touches you, there is no way you would be able to keep it to yourself but will proclaim it freely like the man healed of leprosy... like the sister who can walk and jump... like the sisters that cuddles her daughter.

Are you waiting and expecting God's miracle in your life? Don't give up and don't give in. Your time of healing is at hand.

Check out this testimony


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