Sunday, 24 April 2016

#Lifelessons: Being content

Have you ever wished your sister was more like you, your dad like your friends dad or mum as glamorous as your friend's; maybe you wished you were someone else.

When I was growing up I used to wish my parents were richer, so that I could have anything and everything I wanted!

It is so easy to see our own limitations and wish for more. God created each one of us unique. Our physical structure fits the internal design perfectly. Our gifts and abilities have been given in the measure for the use it was intended.

When we wish to be someone else, it brings a discontent that leads to envy, which leads to jealousy and when this is given space to grow could lead to hatred and God forbid murder like in the case of Cain and Abel.

Wishing for what others have makes you overlook what you do have, under-utilize the potential in you and prevent you from being the best you could be.

I have learnt to be content. Nothing anyone has or is can make me want to be them. I have learnt to be comfortable in my own skin, thankful for the measure of faith and gift. I have learnt that being content in Jesus brings peace of mind, and with peace comes joy from within and a life of thankfulness for the blessings I have been given.

How about you?

Sunday, 10 April 2016

#Lifelessons: Channel of Blessing

How many times have you prayed this prayer; 'Father make me a channel of blessing'. The blessing translates...lots of money. I've been there myself. Being a channel of blessing is usually about having money to help others.

When God puts you in a situation/circumstances/place and you are wondering...why Lord? Why am I going through this? Why am I in this place? I am miserable. I am not growing (spiritually). I am still so hungry for your word. But God still says, '...stay'.

Do you know that the reason you are going through what you are going through or why you are where you are is because God needs you there because of someone - you are that person's vehicle of blessing. I'm not talking about money but that your life is the testimony that would bring salvation to a soul; set someone free who has been in bondage; dry the tears of the broken-hearted; in whatever way God had purposed to bless that person.

God has promised that when we go through fire, it will not burn us, when we go through waters it will not drown because He is with us. And His grace is sufficient in our weaknesses.

No matter the challenges of your current situation or place location, remember if God wants you there, he is with you, there is a purpose and as your character is being refined, there is someone whose live will be blessed because you are their channel of blessing.

So the next time you pray that prayer - 'make me a channel of blessing' be prepared to do what it takes and remember it's not all about money!