Sunday, 3 December 2017

Divorce (3)

Almighty God created the institution of marriage. “And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him" Gen 2:18. He desires godly children from this union (Malachi 2:15). Nevertheless, He is not against singleness or celibacy. The greatest single person ever lived was Jesus Christ. The most impactful apostle - Paul never married. No single person must ever feel ashamed in the Christendom about their marital status.

There are and will always be differences of opinion on divorce and remarriage until YESHUA returns. It is easy to judge those who are divorced in the church and be judgmental about whether they can or should re-marry or not. The word of Elohim and His principles concerning marriage and divorce should be our yardstick not our feelings or fleshy desires. Please refer to previous articles on these.

As someone who became a born again Christian after having been divorced for many years and even in a relationship which I had hoped would lead to a settled home; this was one of the issues I had to contend with in the church.

I had so many different and conflicting opinions and advice in the Church that I decided to seek the Lord directly myself. I heard extreme views like you can never remarry once you are divorced and irrespective of how young you are unless your (ex) husband dies, you will be committing adultery with any remarriage. Okay... should I start praying for his death given I was still very young (in my thirties) I wondered. 

I also heard that given I was divorced before I became born again old things have passed away all things have become new. I can remarry but this time its till death do us part and the person must be a believer. But...?

Then I also heard, well marriage is till death but there are many who divorced and said God told them to remarry and they are happy. Then I also got examples of ministers of God that are divorced before or during ministries, and are still doing ‘wonders’ in the ministry.

As a new believer what do you do? You read the bible, you read what God has said and then you hear what those who have been in this christian journey long before you are saying. And you see even Pastors getting divorced as Christians and remarrying and you wonder? Was there another bible people are following?

So I decided I will seek God myself concerning this issue and my own specific situation. After all I have access to Him as well. He will guide me and lead me according to His plan and purpose for my life.

And what did I hear? Look out for the final part of this Divorce series. 


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