The heart has been on my mind. One of the common themes in the bible
about Elohim God’s relationship with humankind is that He looks at the heart.
Cain and Abel gave the first recorded offering in the bible, the former was
rejected and the latter accepted. The reason being the state of their heart.
Going through the bible, the stories of those held as righteous was not because
of the works of their hand but their heart condition towards God.
Humankind sees the heart through man’s actions. Unfortunately, actions
does not necessarily reveal the heart. It is easy to present an outward persona
that is completely opposite what is going on in the heart.
The world relate to each other from the five senses - hearing, seeing,
touching, smelling and feeling. We honour and glorify the physical things.
Someone is somebody because of position, wealth, titles, educational
qualifications, charisma and the like. People will reckon with you because you
are famous by whatever means. Even in the Christendom, we exalt ‘great’ men and
women of God (I wonder what ‘great’ means) because of the gift
given and manifested through them by Elohim. All these are seen outwardly, but
the heart remains a secret to humankind.
Human being are very adept in hiding the content of their heart from
each other. Someone may smile at you but is cursing you in their heart. Love, hatred,
envy, bitterness, offence, jealousy, unforgiveness, pride, humility, meekness,
all has its root in the heart. Jesus taught that out of the heart proceed evil
thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies
(Matthew 15:19 NKJV). The heart can also contain goodness, kindness, mercy, holiness and the like.
Elohim searches the heart and test the mind. The Lord does not see as
man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the
heart. What is clear is that only those that are pure in heart will see God.
Your entrance to eternity depends on the state of your heart. How is your heart?
To be continued…
Father, thank You for the gift of my life and the grace of salvation. Oh, LORD my God circumcise
my heart and the heart of my descendants, to love You with all your heart and
with all your soul that I may live. In Jesus name. Amen
pray this inspires you to be more and do more for Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus
Christ). Spend this week to meditate on the passage and take relevant step to
live out your faith.
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