Monday, 27 January 2014

Compromise or uncompromising?

As a young believer, I desperately wanted to grow spiritually. I yearned to know God than only be taught about Him by other people. I did not want to be like a distant cousin of the family, who depended on the sons/daughters of the house (pastors) to know God. Then I remembered that I am also a daughter of the house by adoption through Jesus. So I started on a quest; a journey into spiritual maturity.

Like with any journey you embark on, you meet many challenges on the way; some to stop you, redirect you or push you along your way. One challenge that I had to overcome was the spirit of compromise.

We live in a world where political correctness is the order of day; it is not about godly laws and values but about secularity (state of being separate from religion). How do you as a believer navigate through all these, especially in the market place?

When I started writing on leadership, I felt torn between compromising God centred principles with secularised principles. One of the (christian) leadership guru of our time has churned out leadership books made to suit the world. I have been challenged with not putting 'God' in my leadership writing if I want to attract a lot of people to buy or read the book. I have been tempted with advice and suggestions on how to develop godly leaders without quoting the bible.

In the workplace, fellow believers advice you to keep 'low' about your beliefs. I currently work in an organisation that embraces all faith - there is a dedicated prayer room to use if you so desire-, something for which I am ever so thankful to God for.

On my journey to spiritual maturity, I had to make a choice and I decided that there will be no compromise in whatever work God has put in my hand. I will continue to write on God centred leadership principles, which is targeted at believers to empower us to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. I will evaluate my speech and actions against the Word of God not what is trending in the world today. I am either for God or against Him; there is no middle option. Thank God for 'human right'. It is my human right and I am choosing to exercise my faith.

What about you? Have you compromised your faith because of your work? getting that contract? being accepted? making friends? selling more books? speaking at fortune 500 companies? Do you take out the God in the God principles that you teach?

How far are you willing to compromise your faith in Jesus and at what cost? Remember God is not mocked.

I am learning that spiritual maturity comes at a price.

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