Tuesday, 8 May 2018

WordforToday 8 May 2018 Fire under you


“Now Saul was consenting to his death. At that time a great persecution arose against the church which was at Jerusalem; and they were all scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the apostles.” Acts 8:1 NKJV

Ten days after Jesus ascended to heaven, the Apostles (Acts 2:1-4) were baptised with the Holy Spirit and the city evidenced this powerful preaching, miracles signs and wonders. Thousands gave their lives to Jesus.

The believers became a family under the leadership of the twelve Apostles. Individuals sold all and brought it to the feet of the Apostles. Like with anywhere there is a group of people there were those who were stronger, weaker, quieter, louder than others leading to conflict. There arose murmuring because daily rations were not being done equitably. So the leaders asked the people to appoint those who in effect became heads of department.

A crisis averted, the family of believers continued in fellowship - comfortable and content. They prayed together, fellowship together; many were added on a daily basis. But this was not the limit of what Jesus wanted.

His directive was to go out and be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the end of the earth (Acts 1:8). It was not to have a people who were insular, looking just within their physical stretch, no vision for the work of the gospel. 

They continued until Yeshua had enough. He allowed persecution to arise against them, starting with the death of Stephen. They were all scattered throughout the regions except the Apostles. The days of comforts were over. The real work of the gospel had begun and many would pay with their life

This is a lesson for many Churches today. Many are not called to be a bench warmer in a building. Many are not called to depend on Sunday-Sunday fellowships. Many are not called to be insular but to go out into the world and impact it by preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, being a witness of His love, mercy and salvation.

Many who are called to be out in the world on missions are stuck in one place. Stephen was given the role of deacon, sorting out administration but he was called to be an evangelist. It took persecution to launch him into his redemptive purpose.

You might be very active in your local assembly. But if you are meant to go to your Judea, Samaria or to the ends of the earth and you refuse to leave Jerusalem, you will be dis-satisfied with where you are. There will be a void in your heart. Do not wait for Yeshua to lit the fire of persecution under you before you listen, hear and obey.

Go preach the gospel and be a witness.

PrayerforToday 8 May 2018
Everlasting Father, give me the grace to step up and out into my redemptive purpose. May I not wait for persecution to do what You have created me for. Help Your Church not to be too comfortable and neglect the work of ministry. May You bless all those who are in the mission field, giving their lives for the spread of the gospel of Your Son my Lord and Saviour.  In His name I pray. Amen

It is the will of the everlasting Father that you may have everlasting life through Jesus. See Him in the Holy Scriptures, believe in Him and He will raise you up on the last day John 6:40 NKJV
I pray this inspires you to be more and do more for Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ).
#AdeolaAkintoye ©

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