Wednesday, 9 May 2018

WordforToday 9 May 2018 Who is wiser?

“So the master commended the unjust steward because he had dealt shrewdly. For the sons of this world are more shrewd in their generation than the sons of light.” Luke 16:8 NKJV

When I think about how Facebook has changed the world of friendship, I am amazed.

In just over a decade social media has reshaped the world of business.

A minority group has transformed the world culture on sexual orientation.

The world is being transformed in front of our eyes.

There was a time when Christian faith shaped nations. Laws were changed, society was reformed, culture was impacted. I look at the world today and search for the impact of the light of the world and the salt of the earth.

How are we transforming nations? Have we become so insular that we have let others occupy all the mountains of influence?

“Make disciples of nations”, “Occupy till I come”; “A light set upon the hill cannot be hidden.” And many more in the Holy Scriptures that is meant to reveal our identity, purpose and the will of Elohim for His children.

“For the sons of this world are more shrewd in their generation than the sons of light.” The rebuke by Jesus rings very true even in our generation.  Like the Israelite who thought Moses was not coming back because he tarried on the mountain, we too must not become complacent in the work of the gospel. Jesus is coming back.

All wisdom, knowledge and understanding we need are in the word of God. This should be our primary reference not the world standard.

We are in the world but not of the world. Sons of Elohim should occupy every platform of influence. We have to impact with Kingdom principles and standard, and transform our world. It is not enough to stay in the comfort of the four walls of a church, rubbing salt with salt, our lights hidden within these walls.

Go out and transform the world with your salt. Let your light shine in the darkness of this world. Let us take the world in every culture -  the home, religion, arts & entertainment, media, government, education and business for Christ Jesus.

We are wiser than the sons of this world.

PrayerforToday 9 May 2018
Everlasting Father, may I be wiser than the sons of this world. May I be the salt of the earth and light of my world.  In Jesus name I pray. Amen

It is the will of the everlasting Father that you may have everlasting life through Jesus. See Him in the Holy Scriptures, believe in Him and He will raise you up on the last day John 6:40 NKJV

I pray this inspires you to be more and do more for Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ).
#AdeolaAkintoye ©

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