Tuesday, 11 September 2018

#WordforToday 11 September 2018 Imitate me? Please do not!

Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ. I Corinthians 11:1 NKJV

As I was studying the word of Elohim a few days ago I got to this verse and...a pause in my spirit.

Uh! Imitate me as I imitate Christ? Whoa. Who dare say that in this generation?

I imagined seated in Church on a Sunday and the Pastor said "Imitate me as I imitate Christ." I know the first thought that would cross my mind would be; why would I imitate you and not Christ - directly? Yes I can learn from you but Jesus is the standard not man.

That aside, how many of us can make that statement boldly with confidence and in truth like Apostle Paul? What made him confident that everything in and about him was like Christ? I'm sure a study of his life justify this statement. In my life, after Jesus, he is my inspiration for this christian journey.

We have many genuine ministers of the gospel, many that will never claim to be perfect as Jesus Christ, they continue to work out their faith with fear and trembling. Those that try to replace Christ in the heart of people are on a very slippery slop to idolatry.

I am ever mindful of self exaltation, it opens the door to the spirit of pride and idolatry. My priority is to point people to Yeshua Jesus not myself. I am still work-in-progress; working out my faith with fear and trembling, daily disciplining the flesh. I do not want to transfer my weaknesses to others, look unto Yeshua only.

Let no one put you on a pedestal, an elevated position you might not be able to maintain in this earthly flesh.

Point people to Christ. Do not become god to people.

Imitate only Yeshua. Do not let any humankind become god in your life.


Almighty Father Elohim. Thank You for the gift of my salvation. Thank You for giving me the grace to to work our my faith with fear and trembling. May I never take Your place in the heart of any human being. Help me to preach Christ and Him alone.  In the name of Yeshua our saviour. Amen.

I pray this inspires you to be more and do more for Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ).
 #AdeolaAkintoye ©

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