Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come.” I Corinthians 10:11 NKJV
Many times, I have heard, even from Christians how the bible can be contradictory. Some have even questioned the ancient nature of the word, its applicability to life today. The bible is seen as an ancient relic that needs to be updated to suit life today. Isn’t it our life that should be reflecting the timeless wisdom in that ancient book!
Apostle Paul in his letter to the saints in Corinthians was reminding them about real life events of their ancestors. Their lives were examples to teach us what to do and what not to do. We, in this present age are privileged to have the bible that teaches us wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the heart and mind of Elohim God concerning His creation.
The argument between whether the Old Testament and its laws are still relevant now there is a New Testament, as far as I am concerned, is a cop out from taking responsibility and being accountable. Those laws whilst we are not under them but grace, actually helps us to understand the mind of God concerning many issues. What God says do not do in the Old Testament cannot be ignored in the New. He is unchangeable. He is eternal. He is not man that should lie nor son of man that should repent. What is an abomination to Him in times past is still abomination to Him in the present and
Do not let the world blind you to the timeless nuggets in the word of God. Do not cover your eyes again with the veil that Christ took away.
As you read the bible, let it be to teach and guide you, admonish and encourage you. Let us learn what to do and not do from the lives of these ‘ancient’ ones.
Almighty Father, thank You for the gift of my life and salvation. Open my eyes of understanding concerning Your words in Christ Jesus. Amen
I pray this inspires you to be more and do more for Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ). Spend this week to meditate on the passage and take relevant step to live out your faith.
#AdeolaAkintoye ©
Many times, I have heard, even from Christians how the bible can be contradictory. Some have even questioned the ancient nature of the word, its applicability to life today. The bible is seen as an ancient relic that needs to be updated to suit life today. Isn’t it our life that should be reflecting the timeless wisdom in that ancient book!
Apostle Paul in his letter to the saints in Corinthians was reminding them about real life events of their ancestors. Their lives were examples to teach us what to do and what not to do. We, in this present age are privileged to have the bible that teaches us wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the heart and mind of Elohim God concerning His creation.
The argument between whether the Old Testament and its laws are still relevant now there is a New Testament, as far as I am concerned, is a cop out from taking responsibility and being accountable. Those laws whilst we are not under them but grace, actually helps us to understand the mind of God concerning many issues. What God says do not do in the Old Testament cannot be ignored in the New. He is unchangeable. He is eternal. He is not man that should lie nor son of man that should repent. What is an abomination to Him in times past is still abomination to Him in the present and
Do not let the world blind you to the timeless nuggets in the word of God. Do not cover your eyes again with the veil that Christ took away.
As you read the bible, let it be to teach and guide you, admonish and encourage you. Let us learn what to do and not do from the lives of these ‘ancient’ ones.
Almighty Father, thank You for the gift of my life and salvation. Open my eyes of understanding concerning Your words in Christ Jesus. Amen
I pray this inspires you to be more and do more for Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ). Spend this week to meditate on the passage and take relevant step to live out your faith.
#AdeolaAkintoye ©