‘He has told
you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you. but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk
humbly with your God.’ Micah 6:8 NKJV
What does a life of excellence entail? I searched dictionaries to understand exactly what excellence is. Some of the definition I came across were; an outstanding feature, of the highest quality, exemplary performance; exceeding normal expectations of performance; performing more than the norm; outperforming most. I was still left with a sense of dis-satisfaction with these definitions. It all seemed to be measuring a person’s performance to a set of human standards.
As a Christian, I wondered if my performance or the quality I exhibit should be measured according to human standard and for what purpose? To feel a sense of achievement? To amass accolades? To feel important?
We are created for God’s pleasure. He had a plan and purpose for us even before we came into this world. He gave us free will yes, but He expects us to willingly worship Him with all our heart, our soul and strength and obey His commandment, only then would we live in line with His plan and purpose for our lives.
We can’t live a life of excellence outside of God. Our excellence is not from the work of our hands but through the gifts that God gave us when He created us and His grace upon our life. A life of excellence is a continuous process of living a life of complete obedience to God, a life of virtue & integrity, a life of service to our fellow human being, a life of humility, a life of demonstrable peace and bringing joy into people’s life.
We might not be in a position of authority, have amassed material wealth or academic achievement. But an excellent life has profound positive impact on the people who enters it at different stages by the content of your character. A life that influence others to give their life to Jesus Christ because they see Him in you.
To be continued...
May the Lord grant me the grace to do
justice, to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with my God. In the name of Yeshua Jesus
Christ. Amen
I pray that this inspires you to reflect on
your relationship with Elohim and be determined to be more and do more for Him
each day.
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