"What do you want Me to do for you?” He said, “Lord, that I may receive my sight.” Luke 18:41 NKJV
Having the ability to see with our eyes is a blessing of the Lord. When our eyes are functioning as they should, we are able to see things around us. We do not depend on any assistance to move or to read.
When Bartimaeus heard that
Jesus was passing by he cried out to Him so loud, ignoring the rebuke from
those around. And Jesus stopped and asked him what he wanted. He begged to
receive his sight.
Bartimaeus knew his
inability to see was limiting his ability to progress in life, to move forward he
needed his sight.
Blindness is not limited to
physical disability, it could be spiritually as well. Where there is no
revelation or understanding, there is blindness. When there is no insight of
what to do or what is right, there is blindness. When you are not able to see
what is around you, there is blindness.
The widow of Zarephath (1
Kings 17) was starving with her son because she could not see the resource
in her possession. Many people worry about what they do not have because they
are blind to what they do have.
Bartimaeus understood his
problem and knew the only one who could give him sight was Jesus. Hence, he
cried out, at the top of his lungs, not minding the distractions. “Jesus, Jesus
son of David have mercy on me.”
Spiritual maturity leads to
spiritual sight through Christ Jesus. We do not need to grope in the darkness, bumping
and stumbling seeking the way.
Jesus is the Way, the Truth
and Life. His light gives sight and illuminate our path. We shall never grope
in the darkness ever again.
“Then Jesus told him, “I
entered this world to render judgment—to give sight to the blind and to show
those who think they see that they are blind.”” John 9:39 NLT
Jesus, Jesus son of David
have mercy on me. Father open my eyes to see Jesus and the blessings all around
pray that this inspires you to reflect on your relationship with Elohim and be
determined to be more and do more for Him each day.
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