Sunday, 31 January 2021

WordfortheWeek 2021 Week 5 Resolutions and Goals (2)

 “I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do.”John 17:4 NKJV

copyright aakintoye

Life is fragile. When we go through a situation of life and death, our eyes become wide open. We understand how fragile life really is, let us not go through a situation of life and death before we see.

My life resolution is to fulfil my purpose which is to glorify Elohim God. My ultimate goal in life is to make heaven. My sub-goal is to win souls into the Kingdom of God. Annual calendar is irrelevant. The important thing is the help of the Holy Spirit.

Every goal must have success indicators. The world would count material things. I will count the number of people that gave their life to Yeshua Jesus as a result of something I said, did or how I live my life.

My tactics for achieving my goal will be through various means and actions; my lifestyle, my career -work, the different ministries Yeshua has entrusted to me - We CAN Leadership Institute, Total Woman, Excellence in Christ, We CAN Foundation, Singleness in Christ, London  Metropolitan Forum, Practical Christianity, empowering others through mentoring, coaching, teaching

How about you? Are you a yearly resolution and goal setter? What is your audacious and ultimate goal for your life?

Year 2020 has taught this generation that time is of essence.


  • Do not leave Elohim God out of the equation of your life; your children, family, friends, work, church, community, thoughts, actions. 
  • Being more purposeful. Say ‘no’ more. Every activity you say yes to must directly contribute to someone turning to Jesus or turning back to Jesus
  • Be impact focus, 
  • Reduce your to do lists. Any list that is more than five, ideally three has no depth. Do a few with depth and breadth, rather than a lot without.
  • Begin with the end in mind, then think about day to day tactics and habits that will move you towards that end.

I want to encourage you to move beyond the short-sighted goal setting. Be audacious. Let Jesus be first, central and all around your resolution. You are sons of Elohim, co-heirs with Christ, isn’t that mind-blowing

If you have not acknowledged Jesus as the Son of God, or accepted Him as your Lord and personal saviour, this is an opportunity. He is the way, the truth and the life. No-one else. Nothing else.  He will show you the way of life. He will lead you in all truths. He will give you, life, now and in eternity

Have you lost your way to him because of what you have been through? Do not give up. Life is about hope. Return to Him and let your trials and tears be your testimony about the turn-around that will surely come in Christ. If you do this, Angels in heaven will be rejoicing over you.

I want to hear from you. If you accept Jesus or turn-back to him through reading this, please get in touch. In box me, email me 

I want to join you in prayers every day


Almighty Father, thank You for the gift of my salvation. Help me LORD to walk in Your perfect will. In the name of Yeshua I pray. Amen.

I pray that this inspire you to reflect on your relationship with Elohim and be determined to be more and do more for Him each day. 








Sunday, 24 January 2021

WordfortheWeek Week 4 Resolutions and Goals (1)

“I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do.”John 17:4 NKJV


copyright aakintoye


In January many people set new year resolutions and goals. It helps to plan and have focus. Having resolutions and goals are good, even better when we achieve them.


Resolution can be defined as a firm decision to do or not to do something. A goal is defined as an aim or desired result.


New year resolutions normally comprise of the firm decision to do a set of goals or a goal. All things being equal and no pandemics!


As a believer the world is not our standard, Jesus is. What we do is patterned after Him, because He is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6)


Jesus also had a resolution; a life resolution. That resolution was to fulfil the purpose for which He came to the world. He kept referring to the purpose for which He came – to reconcile man back to his God. He had a singular purpose which never changed.  It was not dependent on the annual calendar.


Our life resolution must be linked to our purpose. Purpose should not change. How we achieve purpose can change.


Having goals are helpful. They help to focus actions. There are different levels of goals. I named these levels - the bold, the courageous and the audacious


The bold will say I want to lose weight, travel, turn my life around, write a book. The courageous will say I want to make millions, build businesses. But the audacious will say I want (to touch, feel, see, experience) God!


If making money or material things is your resolution, I want to challenge you to aim beyond this. COVID-19 pandemic has taught us that life is not about money, it cannot buy your life.


If you want the life, you seek and hold unto the giver of life. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.


There are also the ‘now’ and the ultimate goals. Many people stay at the now and ignore the ultimate. I call the now, the sub-goals – examples are to get a job, start a business, reach 1million Instagram followers. The now goals are short sighted. You get a job, and then? You start a business, and then what? 


Ultimate goals is about impact. I want to change lives, impact lives, help people fulfil their goals. Ultimate goals are also linked to purpose


To be continued



Almighty Father, thank You for the gift of my salvation. Help me LORD to walk in Your perfect will. In the name of Yeshua I pray. Amen.


I pray that this inspire you to reflect on your relationship with Elohim and be determined to be more and do more for Him each day. 








Sunday, 17 January 2021

WordfortheWeek 2021 Week 3 Perfect or Permissive will.

Now therefore, here is the king whom you have chosen and whom you have desired. And take note, the Lord has set a king over you. 1 Samuel 12:13 NKJV

This year, may we walk in the perfect will of Elohim.


When the Israelites demanded a king, they got the permissive will of their God. No-one actually realised this.


Saul was from the tribe of Benjamin. Not the right tribe. Years earlier there had been the prophetic declaration by Jacob that; 'The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.' Gen 40:10 NKJV. 


The kingship was meant for the tribe of Judah not Benjamin.


Infact, the prophecy concerning Benjamin tells its own story – ‘Benjamin is a ravenous wolf: in the morning he shall devour the 'prey, and at night he shall divide the spoil.' Gen 49:27 NKJV.


Unfortunately, many of the children of God are operating in permissive will. It looks right - after all God chose Saul and Prophet Samuel anointed him. So everything is okay. Time did tell otherwise.


The Israelites never asked God. They displaced Him as King and sought an earthly king. They wanted to live by sight and not by faith. They followed the flesh not the Spirit of God. Not our will oh lord, but let thy will be done.


They missed the revelation given to the Patriarchs. The word of truth and life, which had been passed down through Moses. How many times have we read the Holy Scripture that tells the mind of God, yet we see what we want to see?


It’s not too late to let Elohim God have His perfect way.



Almighty Father, thank You for the gift of my salvation. Help me LORD to walk in Your perfect will. In the name of Yeshua I pray. Amen.


If you accept Jesus or turn-back to him through this reading this blog, please get in touch. I want to join my faith to yours and pray with you. Inbox me or email me 

I want to join you in prayer every day.




Sunday, 10 January 2021

WordfortheWeek 2021 Week 2 #Beginning (Part 2)

 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.” Genesis 1:1-2 NKJV

copyright aakintoye

There are other lessons to learn about beginnings.

Beginning is a process not a destination. It took Elohim God a six-day process for the beginning of creation. But the beginning has to end so that it becomes the norm.


Do not expect a beginning to bring expected outcome immediately, there might be many beginnings. God created man to live forever, but then disobedience happened. God had to put in place another beginning, this time through His Son Jesus Christ.


Your beginning can start anytime. It not limited to the 1st of January, as defined by the Gregorian calendar reform of 1582 and adopted by the British in 1752.


I have experienced many beginning in my life. When I became a mother in 1992 was a beginning for me – a beautiful journey of motherhood. So many instances of beginning that led to re-shaping. And of course, the best beginning of all, my relationship with Yeshua.


I have learnt that we cannot be beginning the same things over and over again. Every time we sin, we begin again. We can relate with that right? When you offend loved ones and you ask for forgiveness. You promised never to do it again, asked for a second chance and begin again.


Sometimes you don’t want to begin again but you want to continue. I feel that is God’s approach to me. Yep I stumble or fall, more like stumble, I feel God saying when I ask for forgiveness, okay my girl, I forgive you, sin no more, let’s keep going.


I definitely do not want to go back to the beginning. I want to keep going because I have come a long way to Christ Jesus. Going back is like Proverb 26:11 “As a dog returns to his own vomit, So, a fool repeats his folly.” No one wants to be a fool.


If you have already given your life to Christ, you have had your beginning with him. Yes, you may stumble, don’t look back just keep going. Keep going, keep your eyes on Yeshua and keep going. You have come this far, keep going.


If you are yet to submit to the Lord (James 4:7). Let today be your beginning, with Yeshua. A beautiful relationship that will transform your life.


Are you tired of the old and current, you want the new? Jesus is the Saviour. It is a beginning that is better experienced than described. The story of creation in Genesis 1 and 2 tells us about the amazing love of God for us His creation. He first created everything man needed then he created man to enjoy his beginning.


The only thing that will stop you from entering your beginning with Elohim God is you.



Thank You Almighty Father for the gift of life and my salvation. Thank you for granting me a new beginning in Yeshua Jesus. Give me the grace to work I my new life, transformed for the glory of Your name. help me in my daily struggles, that I would keep my eyes on Christ. In His name I pray. Amen.


I pray that this inspire you to reflect on your relationship with Elohim and be determined to be more and do more for Him each day. 



Friday, 8 January 2021

 "Dwelling on yesterday is like trying to put back  the spilled milk into  its container. Yesterday is gone. Focus on today for the future you desire."

Adeola Akintoye,

We CAN Leadership Institute. 

Sunday, 3 January 2021

WordfortheWeek 2021 Week 1 #Beginning (Part 1)

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.” Genesis‬ ‭1:1-2‬ ‭NKJV‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

copyright aakintoye
The beginning means the start of something. The start of something means the end of something else. The new year is a beginning. 2020 is gone. 2021 has started.

A beginning usually leads to some outcomes:




In the beginning, Elohim God created heaven and earth. We can learn a lot about beginnings from the story of the creation of the world. In the beginning the Spirit of God was there as creation started. God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, decided it was time to do something about this massive void of water and darkness.

The beginning led to creation. There was only darkness, a void full of water before.

Elohim God created the magnificent world out of water.  I love reading about creation. It helps me to soak into my mindset the creative power of God in me, because I was created in His image. No one  can take that ability away from us because we are created in God’s image.

This beginning provides the opportunity to create new things.

Another beginning leads to a re-shaping of the old. The story of the father of faith -Abraham. We read his story from Gen 11 from 27,  further expatiated in Acts 7, in that fantastic sermon by Stephen. Abraham was told by God to leave his native land and sojourn to a land, yet unknown that would be the inheritance of his descendants. Abraham’s whole life was re-shaped from that beginning. His name was changed and he was given the circumcision covenant.

In a beginning that is about re-shaping, all weights that besets would have to be discarded.

The third outcome of beginning could be transformation. This is the beginning of our relationship with Christ Jesus. We have a beginning in Christ. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” II Corinthians‬ ‭5:17‬ ‭NKJV. We become a completely transformed person in Christ Jesus. I call it the one-hundred-and-eighty-degree transformation.‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

There are other lessons to learn about beginnings.

To be continued....


Thank You Almighty Father for the gift of life and my salvation. Thank you for granting me a new beginning in Yeshua Jesus. Give me the grace to work I my new life, transformed for the glory of Your name. help me in my daily struggles, that I would keep my eyes on Christ. In His name I pray. Amen.

I pray that this inspire you to reflect on your relationship with Elohim and be determined to be more and do more for Him each day. 

