Monday, 21 December 2020

Wordfortheweek Week 51 Perfect-Love

Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. Romans 5:8 NKJV


In 1992 when I gave birth to my eldest daughter, the feeling in me was more fear than love. As a young woman living far from family, I looked down at this beautiful baby and I was overwhelmed with fear. I was now responsible for another human being! I cried on that first night with her. As the days went by, the fear receded, and the love started growing. What an amazing feeling.

Love is an amazing feeling. The love of a parent for the child and vice-versa. The love between siblings, friends and spouses. There is something about love that brings joy to the heart.

In December, the world celebrates Christmas, a time when you see love in action. Families get together and exchange presents with one another. This is a special time at this particular period in a year. It is great seeing the celebrations and gift sharing, it makes me think how great it would be if the world is like this every day of the year, not the present giving but the outflow of love. Love should not be limited to an event. Love is not a one time, or specific time thing. Love is a continuous action.

Love, the world way is filled with imperfection. It is dependent on feelings and changes constantly.  This is imperfect love. Love that is the way of the world is like this: Today you love, tomorrow you fall out of love. Today you love tomorrow you hate because of offence. Today you love, because you receive things. Today you love because of lust. A love that changes like the weather.

There is, however, a love that is perfect. A love that is not dependent on how someone makes you feel or material things you receive. It is a love that is constant, steady and dependable. A love that is not of the world but for the world.

This perfect love originates from the perfect Father, one who is love personified. This is the love upon which the whole world exits, because the Almighty Elohim God, by this love keeps us in existence and gives us hope for eternal life.

When you feel the love of Yeshua Jesus for you, it makes it easy to love others because you know it is not about how they make you feel. It is because they are God’s creation.

God is love. We cannot have perfect love by our own ability. Because that love is not rooted in feelings but in Christ. God is love. When we have God in us, we have the capability for this perfect love.

This season and every day strive for this perfect love. Do not be limited because of world-love but be free in perfect-love, one that is abundant in our heart by the Spirit of Yeshua.



Almighty Father, thank You for the gift of my salvation. Thank you for loving me so much that you gave Your only begotten Son to die for my sins. Thank You for pouring Your love aboard in my heart by Your Holy Spirt. May I reflect Your perfect love towards You and mankind in the name of Yeshua I pray. Amen

I pray that this inspire you to reflect on your relationship with Elohim and be determined to be more and do more for Him each day. 




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