Saturday, 30 August 2014

What do you see?

You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me! (‭Psalms ‭139‬:‭16-18‬ NLT)

It is easier to hear it than to really believe it especially when life is dealing you with one of it's mighty blows. It is tempting sometimes to accept our negative circumstances as part of God's plan. I have heard some people say that if God already had their lives mapped out, then their 'bad' lot in life is their destiny!

But is it?

I read Psalm 139, and I see myself as God's creation; made for a purpose, formed with a deliberateness that was unique, carefully knitted together and completed with gifts and abilities. 
I see my life thoughtfully defined with precious thoughts; too numerous to be counted. 
I see my life  watched over by God - He goes before and behind me.
I see His hand of blessing on my head.
I see His hand guide me.
I see His strength support me
I see Him with me when I wake up each day.

What about you? Do you see only your circumstances? You will only see what you focus on.

Your 'bad lot'' in life is not your destiny. God created you for His glory. Jeremiah 29:11; For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. His thoughts towards you are precious.

He has done His part, you need to do yours.

Soak yourself in His words; Believe it and see it become your reality. It is working for me.


Saturday, 23 August 2014

There is nowhere to hide from you

As I go deeper in the study of the Bible, I am continually amazed by the depth of revelation about God's love for man. 

Psalm 139:1-18 just reminded me again that I am loved. It reminded me of the daughter of whom I am. My circumstances may not show it but He is there with me all the time. He is Jehovah Shammah. There is no need to suffer from self doubt or become overwhelmed by my situation.

I would like to blog about this Psalm for the next few weeks because I want each sentence to sink into my consciousness and subconsciousness. I want absorb the essence of what David was saying.

Earlier in my journey, I never really understood the depth of God's love. Sometimes even now, I wonder how God can love me this much - how He could love man despite every crap that we do...again and again.

O LORD, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. 
You know when I sit down or stand up. 
You know my thoughts even when I’m far away. 
You see me when I travel and when I rest at home. 
You know everything I do. 
You know what I am going to say even before I say it, LORD.  Psalm 139:1-4

He knows what we are thinking.  He knows what we are going to say whilst we are still forming it in our heart. Though this is comforting, it also strikes a fear in my heart. The fear of God! He is Almighty

God knows everything about us. He knows what we are doing and what we are going to do. There is no point trying to hide things or fool ourselves that God does not see us. When we are going through good times or bad, God knows. It might seem like God has forsaken us, NO! He knows. He sees. He hears.

Isn't this comforting? It gives me hope when it seems there is no hope. It gives me assurance that God is hearing my prayers and He sees my tears. It is enough to give us the peace in all circumstances, knowing God is never far from us.

What about you? Are you going through some tough times and you think God is far away? He is not! Read his word and believe it.

to be continued next week


Saturday, 16 August 2014

I surrender all

In my journey into spiritual maturity, I have learnt that we experience somethings that helps us to define our character and attitude towards God and people. One attitude that God has been teaching me in my journey 
is the attitude of  surrendering to His will. 

There was a situation in my life that I had been praying desperately for and looking for signs from God in every way. Although, I had not heard a clear word from God on it, I was determined to pray every promise in the bible concerning this situation.

Until God used an innocent book review from someone to open my eyes. I realised that I wanted this so much that I was blocking hearing God's voice on the matter...was I wanting something so desperately that I was trying to make my will God's will? I had prayed, fasted, enjoined, requested, decreed, bonded, loosed, prophecy yet no answer.

God revealed that when I was ready to surrender to the will of God for my life, I will get a response; when I surrender this (and every) situation in my life to Him, I will know His will and I will have peace in all things.

The key is surrender... Now I have laid down this situation on the altar. I still pray His promises concerning this situation but the difference now is that I am not trying to pray my will but His. I have surrendered it all to Him. I have peace that is indescribable because I know He is able to perfect all that concerns me and the plan He has for me is for good not evil.

How about you? Have been waiting on the LORD for an answer to an issue for a while.  You know what? Just surrender that problem/issue/situation/whatever to Him... See your worry disappears and the answer will come sooner than you can imagine.


Saturday, 9 August 2014

Preparation Time

It's been some weeks since I wrote a blog. As I continue my spiritual journey, I've been juggling many things - writing my novel, diligently keeping on track with my bible study, work and trying to get good rest.

I have to say that this time of focused bible study had been a revelation. God has been giving me some spiritual insights that sometimes was just overwhelming for me. Yet, I know that He has a purpose for these revelation. It's scary, I can tell you! But also exciting.

Over a period of three weeks, my home church pastor had been teaching about opportunities and preparation - success comes when preparation meets opportunities. For two Sundays, he preached on preparation. Talk about having a sense of déjàvu.

When I reallocated back to London last year, I kept wondering what was God's plan at this point in my life? Early this year, God gave me a statement - 'year of preparation'. 

Preparation for what? I wondered. I'm still waiting for the answer but I know it's for the next stage of my spiritual journey. 

So, you can imagine my excitement when my pastor started preaching on preparation. This was not a coincidence - nothing is when it comes to God. Relocating to London meant changing churches. I prayed for guidance and God gave me two words: 'Revival' and 'Prayer'. 

I am now going to a Church where Revival is the vision and prayer is the vehicle for everything we do - daily prayers morning and evening.

I believe that I am preparing for the opportunity that will surely come. And when the opportunity comes, I will be prepared. The preparation time is not time wasted.

How about you? Do you keep praying for God's blessing? Are you prepared to perceive, receive and use the blessing? 

How are you preparing for eternity?

If you are looking for a job, how prepared are you - in skills, knowledge and experience?

If you are trusting God for a life partner, how are you preparing to be a good husband or wife?

Preparation is so important. Twenty virgins went to meet the groom, ten were prepared for a long wait and took extra oil. Ten were not prepared and when the opportunity came to go in to meet the groom, they missed it.

Success always comes when preparation meets opportunities - Pastor Nick Chanda (@RevivalChristianChurchofEnfield)


Saturday, 2 August 2014

Do not muzzle my mouth...I will testify!

When I was living in South Africa, all the parishes of the church I attended met once a month for what we called 'Divine Encounter'. It was a time of fellowship. It was a glorious time in the presence of God.

I started noticing this particular sister that would always come out to give testimony. It was only when she was not in town that you would not see her come out. Her testimonies were varied; some occurred recently, some were from previous years, some were funny, some were serious, some were 'big' things, some were 'little' things but she still came out to testify. And we all praise God with her.

This sister was always full of joy - you see it when she testifies, you see it when she was praising & worshipping God in songs, you see it in her character and attitude.

Initially, I found this quite funny...until I started developing a closer relationship with God and He started opening my eyes of understanding of spiritual things. This sister began to inspire me - not to be shy of testifying to the glory of God; in all things and at all times.

When we testify what God has done for us, glory is given to God, people are encouraged, faith grows and most of all  we overcame him (devil) by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of our testimony (Rev 12:11)

Our testimony with the blood of Jesus defeats the enemy every time. I want that all the time!

Derek Prince in his teaching on overcoming evil said our testimony is the hyssop (used by the Israelite under the direction of God, to apply the blood of the lamb on their lintel and door post so that the angel of death would pass over them - Exodus 12:22) by which we appropriate the blood of Jesus which gives us protection and total victory. The blood of Jesus is available to us but we have to apply it personally to our life. In order to transfer the blood and make it applicable to our life we use our testimony. We overcome the enemy when we testify personally to what the word of God says the blood of Jesus does for us  - Derek Prince

These revelations changed my attitude to giving testimony in the congregation of the brethren and sharing with everyone and anyone as God gives me the opportunity. I make use of every thanksgiving Sunday in my Church to testify. I can't tell enough of the goodness of God in my life and let the enemy be put to shame.

Every time I share, my heart is full of joy. Every time I share I'm looking forward to many more testimonies so that I can share even more.

It does not matter whether it is perceived by people as 'big'  or 'small' testimony-the fact that I am still alive is a testimony on it's own and worthy to be proclaimed. The fact that God saved me from the kingdom of darkness and brought me into the Kingdom of His dear son is a testimony I will give forever.

How about you? Are you waiting to have that 'big' testimony before you share all the marvellous things God has done and is doing for you? 

Do you think your testimony is too 'little'? You are not little in God's eyes...He gave up His son's life for YOU.

