Sunday, 11 December 2016

Greatness in small

Faithfulness is a character trait that we all desire in our friendships, with our team at work and in particular among the Saints. When people are able to trust that what they have committed in our hand will be done and that we do what we say we will do.

Only then would we be entrusted with the Kingdom of Yahshua as His Ambassadors here on earth. As the word of Elohim says -  He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man's, who shall give you that which is your own? - Luke 16:10-12 KJV

Sunday, 27 November 2016


...But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Prov 18:24

As I sat down in the hotel lobby waiting for a young lady who is like a daughter to my mum and a sister to me, I reflected on the past three days. I came to celebrate the 50th birthday of my best friend. We've been friends now for nearly thirty-three years, I was sixteen and she was seventeen. The love of reading romance novel brought us together  and our lives has been inter-woven since then. She met her husband through me and I got gifted with the god-motherhood of their two children. 

It was a weekend of laughter and joy. A fellowship with friends since my college days - thirty years ago. This weekend made me reflected on the importance of friendship; deep abiding friendship that has been cascaded to the next generation. My friends' children have been friends since their childhood. The friendship that is not about being better than the other but being there for each other, celebrating and empathizing with each other. Friendship that is family. One that is nurtured and has matured. 

I also reflected on the mercies of God that apart from one of us who died over twenty years ago, God has kept all of us and in good health. It is worth being thankful, every day for the rest of our lives.

Monday, 21 November 2016

God is proud of you

I remembered how proud I was when my eldest daughter completed her University education. I was filled with joy, sharing with family and friends. I'm sure my parents were also proud when they came to my own graduation many years ago.

As a parent, you love your child(ren) unconditionally, however there is something different about being proud of them as your child and who they are in character.

I could imagine the pride in the heart of Yahweh when He was showing off Job,“Then the LORD said to Satan, “Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil?”” Job 1:8 NKJV.

This of course led to a season of testing for Job. He lost everything. Many of us would not want to be tested like he was. But this message is not about his test but the pride Yahweh had in him. What a precious and priceless commendation - none like him, blameless, upright, fears God and shun evil.

Look at what he got for it: a hedge around him, around his household, and around all that he had on every side. Yahweh blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions increased in the land. (Job 1:10).

The Almighty loves you because He created you but would He be proud of you?

Sunday, 13 November 2016


And He said to them, “Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses.” Luke 12:15

Material wealth is good. Joseph of Arimathea was a wealthy man who used his influence to get the body of Jesus buried in his new Tomb. Zaccheus was a rich man that was privileged to set dinner before Jesus. Elohim also told us He is the One that gives us the power to make wealth. But our material wealth should not become our god. It should not be the reason why we seek the True God – Elohim. Yahshua and the Apostles never used material wealth as a preaching point or the way to the Kingdom of Yahweh.

Material wealth is not the same as spiritual wealth. Prosperity preaching does not turn the heart of man to Jesus for the right reasons. It does not impact the spirit man but the soulish realm (lust of the eyes, lust flesh and pride of life). This is why even if you have all the material riches in the world, your life can still have a void that money can’t fill.

 So we have all these wealth, what do we use it for? Mansion in all the countries of the world? Fleet of cars? diamonds, gold? weekend parties with dollars as a carpet?

Jesus taught us one of the best ways to use material possessions. Throw a party and invite the needy in the Church, in the community. Luke 14:12 Then He also said to him who invited Him, “When you give a dinner or a supper, do not ask your friends, your brothers, your relatives, nor rich neighbours, lest they also invite you back, and you be repaid. 13 But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind. 14 And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you; for you shall be repaid at the resurrection of the just.”

 This is unfortunately a bitter pill to swallow for many. 

Sunday, 30 October 2016


Is God proud of you?
I remembered how proud I was when my eldest daughter graduated from University. I was filled with joy, sharing with family and friends. I'm sure my parents were also proud when they came to celebrate my graduation so many years ago.

As a parent, you love your child(ren) unconditionally, however there is something different about being proud of what they are in character .

I could imagine the pride in the heart of Yahweh when He was showing off Job, “Then the LORD said to Satan, “Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil?”” Job 1:8 NKJV. This of course led to a season of testing for Job. He lost everything. Many of us would not want to be tested like he was. But this message is not about his test but the pride Yahweh had in him. 

What a precious and priceless commendation - none like him, blameless, upright, fears God and shun evil. As such he had the hedge of Elohim around him, around his household, and around all that he had on every side. Yahweh blessed the work of his hands, his possessions increased in the land (Job 1:10 NKJV).

How about you? If Elohim were to write you a letter of commendation what would it say? A commendation from Elohim is greater than the Queen of England's OBE, CBE or Knighthood. It sets you for greatness here on earth and eternity in Heaven.

Sunday, 5 June 2016

#LifeLessons: Rose tinted glasses?

(The forgiveness Series 2)
5 June 2016

Have you ever been hurt before? I sure have, devastatingly so. It's easy to advice someone to forgive and forget. But reality is, forgiveness is one of the most difficult things in life - not when your heart had been ripped apart with betrayal, pain or loss.

I went through baptism of fire in forgiveness when I was hurt in the Christendom. As Christians we have (very) high standards and expectations of each other - after all we are meant to be holy and righteous. We put people on pedestal.

We expect people to be righteous because God says He has made us so through the blood of Jesus. You know what, I have reflected and mused and come to the conclusion that only God can see people as righteous. He has to, for Him to be able to relate with us. I see people including myself as fallible, imperfect as long as we are still in this human flesh.

Going back to my baptism of fire. It was a journey. I must confess, I would have left the Christendom if I was a new babe in Christ. My rose tinted Christian glasses was knocked off and it shattered into many pieces never to be put together again. I had expectations of how Christians should behave - Christ like and my expectation was cut short.

I thank God for His Holy Spirit that used this experience as a training process for me. I needed to work on myself. Was I reflecting Christ in my own behaviour? Maybe, maybe not. I became more conscious of Christ's expectation as a Kingdom citizen. Remember Jesus' teaching; take the plank out of your own eyes before complaining about others.

I began to work on my character. It was and it is not easy. It's a lifetime process. The experience thought me that it is easy to see other people's short coming but we all have it. Was I reflecting the expectations I had of other people? Irrespective of what people do to me, I will be judged for my own actions not theirs. If I don't forgive and let go, I will be judged for it.

Never put anyone on any pedestal. They will fall. I am learning to shrug things off. Life is too short to fill it with offence.

Lastly and something that requires consistent prayers is seeing people not through the lens of righteousness (leave that to God) but through Christ eyes - with agape love. It is only through this agape lens that love can cover a multitude of sin. Not by ourselves but through the power of the Holy Spirit. No matter what people do to you, Jesus still loves them.

Yep, He does because He died for those that committed that unforgivable sin in our eyes. So, who am I not to forgive?

I pray the Holy Spirit will fill us more and with abundance of grace to love with agape. Remember, if your heart is filled with un-forgiveness, there will not be any space for agape love. Empty it of offence and fill it with agape love.

How about you?

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

#LifeLessons: The Cancer that you can control

(The forgiveness Series 1)
22 May 2016

Un-forgiveness is like cancer. Once the seed is sown, it starts growing and spreading like a bush fire; consuming, destroying and killing all things in its part. The only way to stop it is to uproot it from the root. The only way to prevent it is not to let the seed be planted in the first place.

Not too long ago, I was hurt. I had un-forgiveness threatening my life. Yes, that is what it does. It steals your peace and joy, and most importantly your relationship with God.

I was hurt! It was not even one incidence but a series of incidences by the same person. Those incidences, I felt were meant to humiliate and deliberately hurt me. It was even more painful because it was in an environment that I expected to be full of love. I flirted with bitterness and nearly took the pill of offence.

What saved me was the fact that I had Jesus Christ in my life. I kept remembering He forgave me, why would I not forgive this person. I lost respect for this person. I mistrusted anything they said. I found myself reading meanings into what they do. Through this, I opened myself to battlefield of the mind.

I knew I was in trouble because the Holy Spirit kept convicting me through my conscience. On judgement day, would I use the person as an excuse for not forgiving? Was their own action powerful enough over my life to dictate my actions?

I knew I was fighting a spiritual battle because I know what the God I serve says about forgiveness (Matt 6:14-15, 18:21-22, Luke 6:37 examples). I was in this battle for about a year.

So I started fighting it. No one was going to make me miss my eternity. I prayed consistently for the Holy Spirit to help me to forget the pain, that when I see this person, I will not remember the pain.

I started taking control of my thoughts by confessing Philippians 4:8. It became my favourite verse;  Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.
Anytime I see the person I recited the verse, to keep away any negative thoughts. It worked.

I prayed to be filled with agape love – not the ordinary flesh inducing love but the love that covers all sins, one that does not anger; that sees through Christ eyes, the love that comes from above. I prayed to love this person with agape love. I then started working it out. Whenever I see the person, I will greet and hug them. I went out of my way to help them. I was determined to love them. Agape love does not depend on feelings but based on decision.

Gradually the feelings of hurt died. I see them now I feel love. I have also come to know and understand their character and nothing they do now could hurt me again because I shrug off their weaknesses and focus on their strengths. I want to put my energies in working on my own weaknesses – there is a lot of that already!

I came out of that experience having a deeper understanding that forgiveness is not easy but it is not impossible. The Holy Spirit is there to help us work it out.

How about you?

Sunday, 24 April 2016

#Lifelessons: Being content

Have you ever wished your sister was more like you, your dad like your friends dad or mum as glamorous as your friend's; maybe you wished you were someone else.

When I was growing up I used to wish my parents were richer, so that I could have anything and everything I wanted!

It is so easy to see our own limitations and wish for more. God created each one of us unique. Our physical structure fits the internal design perfectly. Our gifts and abilities have been given in the measure for the use it was intended.

When we wish to be someone else, it brings a discontent that leads to envy, which leads to jealousy and when this is given space to grow could lead to hatred and God forbid murder like in the case of Cain and Abel.

Wishing for what others have makes you overlook what you do have, under-utilize the potential in you and prevent you from being the best you could be.

I have learnt to be content. Nothing anyone has or is can make me want to be them. I have learnt to be comfortable in my own skin, thankful for the measure of faith and gift. I have learnt that being content in Jesus brings peace of mind, and with peace comes joy from within and a life of thankfulness for the blessings I have been given.

How about you?

Sunday, 10 April 2016

#Lifelessons: Channel of Blessing

How many times have you prayed this prayer; 'Father make me a channel of blessing'. The blessing translates...lots of money. I've been there myself. Being a channel of blessing is usually about having money to help others.

When God puts you in a situation/circumstances/place and you are wondering...why Lord? Why am I going through this? Why am I in this place? I am miserable. I am not growing (spiritually). I am still so hungry for your word. But God still says, '...stay'.

Do you know that the reason you are going through what you are going through or why you are where you are is because God needs you there because of someone - you are that person's vehicle of blessing. I'm not talking about money but that your life is the testimony that would bring salvation to a soul; set someone free who has been in bondage; dry the tears of the broken-hearted; in whatever way God had purposed to bless that person.

God has promised that when we go through fire, it will not burn us, when we go through waters it will not drown because He is with us. And His grace is sufficient in our weaknesses.

No matter the challenges of your current situation or place location, remember if God wants you there, he is with you, there is a purpose and as your character is being refined, there is someone whose live will be blessed because you are their channel of blessing.

So the next time you pray that prayer - 'make me a channel of blessing' be prepared to do what it takes and remember it's not all about money!

Sunday, 27 March 2016

#Lifelessons: What are you afraid of?

“Then they said to Moses, “You speak with us, and we will hear; but let not God speak with us, lest we die.””
Exodus 20:19 NKJV

Many Christians are like the Old testament Israelite - afraid to hear God for themselves so they depend on their Pastors, some Prophets or other wo/man of God to be their intercessors - talk to God on their behalf and tell them what 'God is saying' concerning their lives. 

This is a pity because many by so doing, remain a baby Christians still being fed milk. They miss the glorious personal relationship with Jehovah in their lives. They forget that Jesus had paved the way for us to enter, boldly, into the presence of God to obtain mercy and find grace in our time of need.

Whatever anyone else tells you should be an affirmation of what God has already communicated with you whilst you were in His presence.

Fear or laziness will not stop you from standing in the presence of Jehovah on the day for judgement. 

As I continue to grow in the Lord, I am not satisfied just hearing about Jesus from someone else. I want to know Him myself. I want to hear Him for myself. Second hand knowledge is no longer satisfying. It is now a lifelong desire.
Start enjoying His presence and get the fullness of  His mercy and grace.

Saturday, 12 March 2016

#Lifelessons Grow Up!

A matured person knows what to do and is not afraid to take (tough) decisions to get things done. A matured person takes responsibilities for their decisions and actions irrespective of the consequences. Whenever you look for someone else to blame for your mess, you are demonstrating childishness. 

As a child, you get things done for you, decisions made for you - it was someone else's responsibility to feed, clothe and provide for you. Life was all about your own desires. You cry when things didn't go your way. You sulked in self misery. It was all

A child that refuses to grow becomes stunted - mentally, physically and emotionally, an abnormality. There is a saying that a fool at 40 will be a fool forever. 

How long have you been a Christian? How has your life been transformed by the word of God? Seek to increase in wisdom, knowledge and understanding of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Grow up!

“When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.”
‭‭I Corinthians‬ ‭13:11‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Seeing the invisible...

In many Churches all over the world, the first Sunday of every month is dedicated for thanksgiving. We hear testimonies of what God has done in people's life in the past and currently.

It is easy to give thanks to what we can see, hear or feel. However there are many other things to give thanks to God for; those things we can not see but are there nevertheless.

When the King of Syria was after Elisha, his servant was frightened when he saw the army with multitude of horses and chariots sent to capture one man.

He exclaimed; “Alas, my master! What shall we do?” (‭II Kings‬ ‭6‬:‭15‬ NKJV)

But Elisha answered, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” And Elisha prayed, and said, “ LORD, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” Then the LORD opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. (‭II Kings‬ ‭6‬:‭16-18‬ NKJV).

Give thanks to God for the wall of fire surrounding you and yours. And pray that God will open your eyes to see that those who are with you are more than your enemies...

Have a testimony filled new month.