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https://leolearning.com/2015/07/consider-entire-learning-journey/ |
1. Understand, acknowledge and accept your new identity in Christ. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; (2 Cor 5:17). Many people are unaware of the divine power they carry. Many cannot comprehend it. Many find it difficult to accept it. What you can’t see, touch, smell or taste is difficult to accept. It's only when some people feel the physical manifestation of the Holy Spirit that they can accept that God is.
2. Transform your mind; your thoughts, beliefs, mind-set (Romans 12:2). And bring every thought under the obedience of Jesus Christ. Develop the skill (or habit) - whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things (Philippians 4:8 NIV). The mind is devil’s gateway to your soul. If he can get you to believe the lies, see yourself with human eyes not God-eyes, operate with your five senses rather than with the Holy Spirit; then you are letting him win over your life.
3. Walk in the Holy Spirit and you shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. This will take you out of your comfort zone. It will make you operate at the level of supernatural not natural. You will start seeing Kingdom pattern nor world ways. You will be rebuked, mocked, called over-spiritual and many more.
4. Ready to die for the gospel of Jesus. Now this is the ultimate. Many have fallen off the wagon because of fear. This is the litmus test of your discipleship
#PrayerforToday 12 April 2018
Help oh Lord to grow into spiritual maturity. Let me move from the milk of your word to solid food. Help me to seek Your Kingdom first and its righteousness.
It is the will of the everlasting Father that you may have everlasting life through Jesus. See Him in the Holy Scriptures, believe in Him and He will raise you up on the last day John 6:40 NKJV
I pray this inspires you to be more and do more for Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ).
#AdeolaAkintoye ©
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