The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Psalm 37:23 NKJV
I am always surprised when those who profess to be Christian chastised you for being 'too spiritual'. I wonder what that looks like.
Oxford definition of spiritual is relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things. As Christians, our relationship with Elohim is through our spirit because Elohim is Spirit and those who worship Him must do so in spirit and truth. Being spiritual, to me is thus relating through our human spirit which is connected with the Almighty.
Being spiritual is not just any spirituality - as there are many such which is not of the true God Elohim. Being spiritual for a Christian is about being led by the Holy Spirit not your flesh.
With Elohim you are either for Him or not; in or out; black or white; hot or cold. There is no middle way.
For a people set apart, led by the Holy Spirit, being spiritual is business as usual. We are meant to see everything in this world through spiritual lens not our flesh. There is danger in compartmentalizing God in your life - putting Him in the Sunday box; the problem scenario; the convenient times and not in every detail of our life.
The Word of Elohim says He delights in every detail of our life; every mi-nute detail. So why would we limit His presence to certain areas or times? Are we telling Him not to bother because we can handle things on our own.
Of course spiritual things manifest in the physical. We have to do physical acts being led by the Holy Spirit. Our victory and success in life as a child of God is dependent on our relationship with God.
I would rather be over-spiritual (if there is any such thing) than un-spiritual as a professed child of the Almighty Jehovah.
Remember your faith is spiritual. The love of God is spiritual. The grace of God is spiritual. And God is Spirit. Those who worship Him will do so in spirit and truth (John 4:24). Not in flesh.
Next time you want to accuse someone of being too spiritual, pause and think like Jesus.
#Prayerfortoday 10 April 2018
Almighty Father Thank You for giving us Your Holy Spirit as our helper. Give me abundance grace to walk in the Spirit, that I may not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another. May I be led by Your Spirit for I am not under the law but Your grace. May my life manifest the fruit of the Spirit - love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. In the name of Yeshua Christ Jesus. Amen.
It is the will of the everlasting Father that you may have everlasting life through Jesus. See Him in the Holy Scriptures, believe in Him and He will raise you up on the last day John 6:40 NKJV
I am always surprised when those who profess to be Christian chastised you for being 'too spiritual'. I wonder what that looks like.
Oxford definition of spiritual is relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things. As Christians, our relationship with Elohim is through our spirit because Elohim is Spirit and those who worship Him must do so in spirit and truth. Being spiritual, to me is thus relating through our human spirit which is connected with the Almighty.
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With Elohim you are either for Him or not; in or out; black or white; hot or cold. There is no middle way.
For a people set apart, led by the Holy Spirit, being spiritual is business as usual. We are meant to see everything in this world through spiritual lens not our flesh. There is danger in compartmentalizing God in your life - putting Him in the Sunday box; the problem scenario; the convenient times and not in every detail of our life.
The Word of Elohim says He delights in every detail of our life; every mi-nute detail. So why would we limit His presence to certain areas or times? Are we telling Him not to bother because we can handle things on our own.
Of course spiritual things manifest in the physical. We have to do physical acts being led by the Holy Spirit. Our victory and success in life as a child of God is dependent on our relationship with God.
I would rather be over-spiritual (if there is any such thing) than un-spiritual as a professed child of the Almighty Jehovah.
Remember your faith is spiritual. The love of God is spiritual. The grace of God is spiritual. And God is Spirit. Those who worship Him will do so in spirit and truth (John 4:24). Not in flesh.
Next time you want to accuse someone of being too spiritual, pause and think like Jesus.
#Prayerfortoday 10 April 2018
Almighty Father Thank You for giving us Your Holy Spirit as our helper. Give me abundance grace to walk in the Spirit, that I may not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another. May I be led by Your Spirit for I am not under the law but Your grace. May my life manifest the fruit of the Spirit - love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. In the name of Yeshua Christ Jesus. Amen.
It is the will of the everlasting Father that you may have everlasting life through Jesus. See Him in the Holy Scriptures, believe in Him and He will raise you up on the last day John 6:40 NKJV
I pray this inspires you to be more and do more for Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ).
#AdeolaAkintoye ©
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