Then Peter said, “Silver and gold
I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth, rise up and walk.” Acts 3:6
The first miracle that was done after the disciples
were baptized with the Holy Spirit was one of the first evidence of the
outworking of the power of God in them. The spoken word of faith in the name of
Jesus Christ and a lame man from birth was made whole in his legs. Whoa!
The story told in Acts chapter 3 gives us an
insight and understanding of this miracle. The Apostles and in fact the
believers at that time devoted themselves and their time in prayer and
preaching the good news of Jesus. They met daily in the Upper Room and the
temple. They were devoted and dedicated to the work of the ministry.
On this miracle day, Peter and John were going to
the temple at the hour of prayer. Prayer is one of the most important aspect of
our Christian journey. Although, we know Elohim is THERE, it is a time we are
directly connected to Him, in His Presence because we are talking to and with
Him. It is also the time our faith is strengthened, we are spiritually
energized and receive the power to function in this dark and crooked world.
A certain lame man from his mother’s womb, over
forty years old (Acts 4:22) who was laid daily at the gate of the temple
begging for alms stretched out his hand to the two Apostles as they were
walking up the temple steps. I can imagine this scene, because it is similar to
that which I saw when I was growing up. By my parents’ church in Lagos were beggars - the lame who half lay and half sit by the entrance. Their withered legs stretched out under them, propping themselves with a stick. Their money bowl by their side, calling out to passer-by for some coins. How many times have we passed by or maybe for conscience sake we throw a few coins into the bowl and then walk on by?
That day, the lame man got the attention of these
men of Jehovah. It was his day of deliverance from his bondage. He called out
and was heard. Sometimes keeping quiet is not the right action to our problems.
If he had kept quiet they would have walked past and he would have missed his
miracle, but he called out for help. It was not pride time. He was not fearful
of ridicule. He asked for help. We too must never be afraid or shy to ask for help when we need it.
Peter fixed his eyes on him and told him to look at
them. They were not rich. They were not educated. But they had something
greater. Another lesson for us; we must keep our eyes on the author of our
salvation. I remember when Peter was walking on water, the minute he took his
eyes off Jesus he started to sink.
The lame man had to fix his eyes on Peter and John
who were representatives of Yeshua. He could not be distracted from getting his
miracle by looking at other passer-by and asking for alms.
In our Christian journey, we must keep our eyes
firmly on Yeshua Jesus. Let us not get distracted with other solutions and
options apart from Jesus.
This lame man gave them his attention. He was
expectant – though he was expecting alms. In our relationship with Christ, we
must be full of expectation, believing that all He said He would do, He will
This expectation and the mercy of Christ got him
his miracle.
To be continued.
#PrayerforToday 30 April 2018
Everlasting Father, May I not miss my time of miracle. May I be ready in faith and through a prayed up life to be a vessel for miracle, signs and wonders. May I keep my eyes focused on Christ and not be distracted by what is going on around me or my problems. In the Mighty name of Jesus, Amen,
It is the will of the everlasting Father that you may have everlasting life through Jesus. See Him in the Holy Scriptures, believe in Him and He will raise you up on the last day John 6:40 NKJV
I pray this inspires you to be more and do more for Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ).
#AdeolaAkintoye ©