Friday, 26 January 2018

#WordforToday 26th January 2018 Are you craving another's anointing?

But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you,”
I John 2:27 NKJV

covetous copyright by Levi Shiach Photography
We had finished the convention for the day and the man of God had just been escorted out of the building. I saw this throng of people rushing towards the front of the hall. There was grab for the seat the man just vacated. People were rushing to sit on it! For a touch of his anointing.

One of the acts I see in church gathering - I must confess I have been guilty of this myself (in the past) -  is greeting a wo/man of God and joking (or not); “Let me get some of that anointing...”

Many people have used the story of Elijah and Elisha - the passing on of the mantle and the double portion received by the latter as a reason to touch the cloth of a spiritual leader.

You don’t get anointing transfer if God has not ordained you for that purpose. Sitting on the chair of your General Overseer, wrapping yourself with their jacket, putting on their hat, eating their unfinished food remnants, putting your mouth where theirs has touched on a glass cup and all such will not get their anointing transferred to you.

Why do you want someone else’s anointing and not your own directly from the giver? Do you even know the source of their anointing? Are you sure it is from the True God and not the corrupt one from the devil?

You are created by God for His purpose. Before you were formed He knew you. He ordained you. He chose you for His specific purpose according to His will. Seek Him directly. Let Him anoint you for the work He has planned for you. Do not covet another man or woman’s anointing because of what you see manifested through them. Every child of God has the Holy Spirit who anoints with power.

““The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed;” Luke 4:18 NKJV

That anointing in you is the Holy Spirit in You who give gifts to those who have accepted the precious and glorious grace of salvation. Instead of craving another’s why not seek the One in you and be grateful for the gifts you have been blessed with.

#PrayerforToday 26th January 2018
Almighty Father, thank You for the gift of my salvation. Thank You for anointing me to fulfil Your purpose on earth. Help me to seek You and not man for anointing. Help me not to be led in error but by Your truth. In the name of Yeshua my Lord and Savior I pray. Amen

I pray this inspires you to be more and do more for Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ).

#AdeolaAkintoye ©

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