Monday, 3 November 2014

When your eyes are opened

For many years  I had lived in spiritual blindness until about eight years ago when the scales started falling off my eyes. I began to see, feel and hear the presence of God in my life. In 2013, I spent a lot of time writing the leadership blogs for We CAN Leadership Institute. The insights were just flowing - I could write three or four weeks' blogs in advance. I will never take credit for this inspiration. None of my writing was from me but from the of the Holy Spirit, after all who am I if not a vessel in the hand of God.

So the words came and I wrote.  At the beginning of this year, 2014, I was looking forward to learning more wisdom on leadership from One that is Wisdom...but nothing. No nugget, no inspiration to write, no word....nothing! Now, the easy thing would be to force myself to write up something, still I could not do it. But, one thing that came was the leading to study the Bible in a consistent and disciplined way, so  I started. I started getting inspiration for blog @jouneyintospiritualmaturity. The words and insights were flowing like a river as I studied the Word and continued my spiritual growth .

But nothing for the Leadership blog.- one of the passion that God has blessed me with. Jesus said we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world, for me this meant, clearly that we are leaders, we are to 'be' leaders in all spheres of life. I love learning and writing on leadership to equip, empower and enable people to fulfill their purpose on earth. I was praying and waiting for the leading and insights for the leadership blog.

One day, in the quiet of the day, the direction came, as always very clear. The leadership blog for 2014 will be written by other Holy Spirit inspired leaders. As always, I view myself as a babe in Christ still on my spiritual journey into maturity, I wanted to confirm this leading, so I started asking those that God laid in my heart. The result was the start of a new series of Leadership blogs @, that will lift you up, inspire you and motivate you to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. I am truly blessed with the leadership of the Holy Spirit in my life.

What about you? What has the Holy Spirit lead you to do this year? Are you still resisting it or have embraced it?

Almighty God, thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit, to lead us, guide us, empower us and reveal your will to us. Help us to be sensitive to His leading and give us the grace to follow his leading in all areas of our lives. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

If this article has blessed you, why not bless someone else by sharing this with them.

Monday, 27 October 2014

In all your ways

In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:6

When we pray to God, we expect answers. Most of the time when the answer to a prayer materialises, we find it unbelievable; not because we never believed it would happen but just the awesomeness of knowing that God really is listening to us and loves us so much to give us what we asked for.

This was my state recently. In 2011, when I made the decision to let Jesus direct my steps in every area of my life, I left an unhappy and unfulfilled job to follow Jesus' leading. I did not know when I would get the next job. I was not sure whether I should leave the country I was in and move back to the United Kingdom. All I knew was that I had a Father, Almighty Father who promised to direct my paths if I would acknowledge him in all ways.

I took a few months to move homes and rest. When I was ready to go back into full time work, I told Jesus and I got consultancy work. As I was finishing one, others came along. Then He led me to relocate back to the UK by giving me an awesome job. We got to the UK, Jesus organised a beautiful home with an owner who furnished it with brand new furnishing and everything we asked for. Then Jesus led me to a place of worship whose vision was for the works relevant for this end time - evangelism with prayers.

Jesus helped my daughters to settle. Despite coming in only four months to the end of a ten months school year and having only one full year to prepare for the most important exams in secondary schools, my two youngest daughters passed all their exams so well, they were featured in the local newspaper. My eldest daughter, despite not doing her University education in the UK, got a paid internship with one of the largest TV stations in the world after just three months in the country from competition with hundreds of other graduates.

As if that was not enough, Jesus granted me favour in my workplace. The project I was leading became so high profile in the organisation and successful, I was given additional responsibilities with contract extended. 

Now came the dilemma, what next career wise? I knew I wanted to do a particular type of work in finance at a level that gives me the authority to influence across the organisation - but there was no such role and even if there was, there would be lots of competition.

The wonder of Jesus! He worked things and situations to favour His own. I was appointed to a new role  - Head of International Finance on a permanent contract. A job that ticked all the boxes of what I wanted for my career at this point and the level I wanted. Isn't Jesus wonderful! He does grant us the desires of our heart.

Three years ago, I took the decision to step out in faith. To follow my leader. I would lie if I said I was never fearful about the uncertainty. I was but only to Jesus and he comforted me. He helped me to work through my fears by writing the book; Living a fearless Life. One thing I never did was to take my eyes off Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith. Without Him, I am nothing and can do nothing.

Do I know where the next two years will take me - No. But I know who is taking me there and with Him I can not fail.

This testimony is not to brag but to give glory to Jesus and to encourage someone who might be going through a transition period in their lives; someone who is fearful to let go of self controlled life and become Jesus led. He is forever faithful.

Do keep me in your prayers; that I will be Jesus Ambassador in my workplace to His glory. I have been put there for a purpose - to win Souls into the Kingdom. Pray for me to fulfil this mandate in the Mighty name of Jesus.


Sunday, 26 October 2014

There is an hedge around me

You have hedged me behind and before,
And laid Your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
It is high, I cannot attain it. Psalm 139:5-6

Saturday, 30 August 2014

What do you see?

You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me! (‭Psalms ‭139‬:‭16-18‬ NLT)

It is easier to hear it than to really believe it especially when life is dealing you with one of it's mighty blows. It is tempting sometimes to accept our negative circumstances as part of God's plan. I have heard some people say that if God already had their lives mapped out, then their 'bad' lot in life is their destiny!

But is it?

I read Psalm 139, and I see myself as God's creation; made for a purpose, formed with a deliberateness that was unique, carefully knitted together and completed with gifts and abilities. 
I see my life thoughtfully defined with precious thoughts; too numerous to be counted. 
I see my life  watched over by God - He goes before and behind me.
I see His hand of blessing on my head.
I see His hand guide me.
I see His strength support me
I see Him with me when I wake up each day.

What about you? Do you see only your circumstances? You will only see what you focus on.

Your 'bad lot'' in life is not your destiny. God created you for His glory. Jeremiah 29:11; For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. His thoughts towards you are precious.

He has done His part, you need to do yours.

Soak yourself in His words; Believe it and see it become your reality. It is working for me.


Saturday, 23 August 2014

There is nowhere to hide from you

As I go deeper in the study of the Bible, I am continually amazed by the depth of revelation about God's love for man. 

Psalm 139:1-18 just reminded me again that I am loved. It reminded me of the daughter of whom I am. My circumstances may not show it but He is there with me all the time. He is Jehovah Shammah. There is no need to suffer from self doubt or become overwhelmed by my situation.

I would like to blog about this Psalm for the next few weeks because I want each sentence to sink into my consciousness and subconsciousness. I want absorb the essence of what David was saying.

Earlier in my journey, I never really understood the depth of God's love. Sometimes even now, I wonder how God can love me this much - how He could love man despite every crap that we do...again and again.

O LORD, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. 
You know when I sit down or stand up. 
You know my thoughts even when I’m far away. 
You see me when I travel and when I rest at home. 
You know everything I do. 
You know what I am going to say even before I say it, LORD.  Psalm 139:1-4

He knows what we are thinking.  He knows what we are going to say whilst we are still forming it in our heart. Though this is comforting, it also strikes a fear in my heart. The fear of God! He is Almighty

God knows everything about us. He knows what we are doing and what we are going to do. There is no point trying to hide things or fool ourselves that God does not see us. When we are going through good times or bad, God knows. It might seem like God has forsaken us, NO! He knows. He sees. He hears.

Isn't this comforting? It gives me hope when it seems there is no hope. It gives me assurance that God is hearing my prayers and He sees my tears. It is enough to give us the peace in all circumstances, knowing God is never far from us.

What about you? Are you going through some tough times and you think God is far away? He is not! Read his word and believe it.

to be continued next week


Saturday, 16 August 2014

I surrender all

In my journey into spiritual maturity, I have learnt that we experience somethings that helps us to define our character and attitude towards God and people. One attitude that God has been teaching me in my journey 
is the attitude of  surrendering to His will. 

There was a situation in my life that I had been praying desperately for and looking for signs from God in every way. Although, I had not heard a clear word from God on it, I was determined to pray every promise in the bible concerning this situation.

Until God used an innocent book review from someone to open my eyes. I realised that I wanted this so much that I was blocking hearing God's voice on the matter...was I wanting something so desperately that I was trying to make my will God's will? I had prayed, fasted, enjoined, requested, decreed, bonded, loosed, prophecy yet no answer.

God revealed that when I was ready to surrender to the will of God for my life, I will get a response; when I surrender this (and every) situation in my life to Him, I will know His will and I will have peace in all things.

The key is surrender... Now I have laid down this situation on the altar. I still pray His promises concerning this situation but the difference now is that I am not trying to pray my will but His. I have surrendered it all to Him. I have peace that is indescribable because I know He is able to perfect all that concerns me and the plan He has for me is for good not evil.

How about you? Have been waiting on the LORD for an answer to an issue for a while.  You know what? Just surrender that problem/issue/situation/whatever to Him... See your worry disappears and the answer will come sooner than you can imagine.


Saturday, 9 August 2014

Preparation Time

It's been some weeks since I wrote a blog. As I continue my spiritual journey, I've been juggling many things - writing my novel, diligently keeping on track with my bible study, work and trying to get good rest.

I have to say that this time of focused bible study had been a revelation. God has been giving me some spiritual insights that sometimes was just overwhelming for me. Yet, I know that He has a purpose for these revelation. It's scary, I can tell you! But also exciting.

Over a period of three weeks, my home church pastor had been teaching about opportunities and preparation - success comes when preparation meets opportunities. For two Sundays, he preached on preparation. Talk about having a sense of déjàvu.

When I reallocated back to London last year, I kept wondering what was God's plan at this point in my life? Early this year, God gave me a statement - 'year of preparation'. 

Preparation for what? I wondered. I'm still waiting for the answer but I know it's for the next stage of my spiritual journey. 

So, you can imagine my excitement when my pastor started preaching on preparation. This was not a coincidence - nothing is when it comes to God. Relocating to London meant changing churches. I prayed for guidance and God gave me two words: 'Revival' and 'Prayer'. 

I am now going to a Church where Revival is the vision and prayer is the vehicle for everything we do - daily prayers morning and evening.

I believe that I am preparing for the opportunity that will surely come. And when the opportunity comes, I will be prepared. The preparation time is not time wasted.

How about you? Do you keep praying for God's blessing? Are you prepared to perceive, receive and use the blessing? 

How are you preparing for eternity?

If you are looking for a job, how prepared are you - in skills, knowledge and experience?

If you are trusting God for a life partner, how are you preparing to be a good husband or wife?

Preparation is so important. Twenty virgins went to meet the groom, ten were prepared for a long wait and took extra oil. Ten were not prepared and when the opportunity came to go in to meet the groom, they missed it.

Success always comes when preparation meets opportunities - Pastor Nick Chanda (@RevivalChristianChurchofEnfield)


Saturday, 2 August 2014

Do not muzzle my mouth...I will testify!

When I was living in South Africa, all the parishes of the church I attended met once a month for what we called 'Divine Encounter'. It was a time of fellowship. It was a glorious time in the presence of God.

I started noticing this particular sister that would always come out to give testimony. It was only when she was not in town that you would not see her come out. Her testimonies were varied; some occurred recently, some were from previous years, some were funny, some were serious, some were 'big' things, some were 'little' things but she still came out to testify. And we all praise God with her.

This sister was always full of joy - you see it when she testifies, you see it when she was praising & worshipping God in songs, you see it in her character and attitude.

Initially, I found this quite funny...until I started developing a closer relationship with God and He started opening my eyes of understanding of spiritual things. This sister began to inspire me - not to be shy of testifying to the glory of God; in all things and at all times.

When we testify what God has done for us, glory is given to God, people are encouraged, faith grows and most of all  we overcame him (devil) by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of our testimony (Rev 12:11)

Our testimony with the blood of Jesus defeats the enemy every time. I want that all the time!

Derek Prince in his teaching on overcoming evil said our testimony is the hyssop (used by the Israelite under the direction of God, to apply the blood of the lamb on their lintel and door post so that the angel of death would pass over them - Exodus 12:22) by which we appropriate the blood of Jesus which gives us protection and total victory. The blood of Jesus is available to us but we have to apply it personally to our life. In order to transfer the blood and make it applicable to our life we use our testimony. We overcome the enemy when we testify personally to what the word of God says the blood of Jesus does for us  - Derek Prince

These revelations changed my attitude to giving testimony in the congregation of the brethren and sharing with everyone and anyone as God gives me the opportunity. I make use of every thanksgiving Sunday in my Church to testify. I can't tell enough of the goodness of God in my life and let the enemy be put to shame.

Every time I share, my heart is full of joy. Every time I share I'm looking forward to many more testimonies so that I can share even more.

It does not matter whether it is perceived by people as 'big'  or 'small' testimony-the fact that I am still alive is a testimony on it's own and worthy to be proclaimed. The fact that God saved me from the kingdom of darkness and brought me into the Kingdom of His dear son is a testimony I will give forever.

How about you? Are you waiting to have that 'big' testimony before you share all the marvellous things God has done and is doing for you? 

Do you think your testimony is too 'little'? You are not little in God's eyes...He gave up His son's life for YOU.



Tuesday, 24 June 2014

A lesson in trusting God

‘..He went without knowing where he was going’ Hebrews 11:8

Many times in church, we have used the experience of David in 1 Samuel 30, to illustrate how we would recover things that the enemy has stolen from us. However, one of the most illuminating aspects of this story was how completely David trusted in God. This was a lesson that I need to remind myself daily in my walk with God.

The Amalekite had taken David’s family and those of his men. He inquired of the LORD who told him, “Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all.” And he did.

There was no record that he asked God, how? Where? When. He pursued not knowing the exact route they took but he used his skill as a warrior. The most amazing part of the story was how they found the Egyptian slave who took part in the raid; he gave them all the relevant information they needed and even took them to where the enemies were - eating, dancing enjoying their spoil. David recovered all.

Another example was Abraham who responded to God’s call to leave his home, not knowing where he was going he obeyed and trusted God to take him to that Promised Land. His faith and trust in the word of God is what we are enjoying today.

Many times we pray to God and despite hearing His leading, we are still immobile – due to fear, doubt that it was God’s voice, procrastination, laziness you name it. Are you like this?

When God leads you, trust that He will surely help you with the resources you need to carry out the mission/task/activity, so what are you waiting for? Anything you want to do, once you get the sign off from God, pursue it!

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Pruning for growth

I live in an area that has many trees. One day on my way from work, I noticed a row of trees have had all the branches chopped off! 'Why did they do that?' I asked myself. A few months later, I was intrigued to see leaves had started sprouting from the cut off branches. It did not need the branch to grow longer because it was still connected to the trunk which was still connected with the root that fed it.

Sometimes in life we go through a period when it seems we've been stripped of nearly everything if not all. We go through challenges that leaves us feeling vulnerable; maybe our job is gone, no income is coming in, our spouse have left us, we feel all alone and we are wondering why LORD?

Like those trees near my home, maybe we are going through our season of pruning. Maybe there are some dead leaves and branches that needs to be cut out of our trunk so that our lives can become even more fruitful and productive.

The trees were still able to produce green leaves because they were still connected to their root that gives them their nutrient for living. Just remain grounded in Jesus, the season shall pass and you will be even more fruitful.

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Old and rugged but still productive

Over the past twelve months or so I have developed a passion for photography, not that I want to change careers but I am just fascinated by the stories that pictures tell.

A few yard from my home, there is this old tree, pictured below. It must be well over 100 years. It is one of the precious trees that are preserved by the city council; anyone who cuts it without permission can be fined up to twenty thousand pounds! 

On the lower part of the trunk, the bark is peeling off, it's trunk is rugged and cracked indicating its old age yet it still brings forth green trees every year. How come this tree is still bearing leaves in its old age? It is deeply rooted and connected to the source of its nutrients.

Every time I pass this tree, I am reminded about the children of God. Old age is not a barrier to productivity and fruitfulness. As long as you are deeply rooted in Jesus Christ, you will continue to get your daily nourishment and the life-giving nutrients to continue to be fruitful until Jesus calls you home.

Truly, those who are planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of God. They shall still bear fruit in old age; they shall be fresh and flourishing. 

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Why like a palm tree?

Palm trees inhabits every type of habitat from desert to rain forest with evergreen leaves. They are a symbol of peace, fertility and victory. Palm trees can reach great heights and have long life. A palm tree's life span can be up to 150 years. Palm trees have fibrous root that spreads out and grow deep, giving it a solid base that bends but does not break under the force of a wind. The Palm Tree is one of the most cultivated plant in the world, signifying fruitfulness in abundance.
As a believer, prophetically declare Psalm 92:11-13 over your life.

Monday, 26 May 2014

If you are willing..

This past week has been awesome. I witnessed the healing power of the Holy Spirit as a sister in my Church was healed after walking on crutches for four months.

Every time, I see the manifestation of God's power it blows me away. Earlier this year, another sister of mine delivered a bouncing baby girl after waiting on the LORD for eleven years with three miscarriages and an ectopic pregnancy. When you are going through one challenge or the other, especially that which you have no control over what can you do but to depend on God? When God answers your prayers it would seem as if you were dreaming.

As I continue my bible study goal - currently reading the Book of Mark. I was reading the many miracles of Jesus again with new revelation. You can take lessons from each one; however the one that I would like to focus on here is that of the Leper (Mark 1:40-45). This man had leprosy, with no hope of cure at that time. He would have been living in isolation; no family, no job, no social like except with like lepers. I wonder how he was able to get through the people and reach Jesus? Yet he did. How long had he been in that condition we don't know. Yet he had not given in to his terrible condition. He heard about Jesus and got up to make his way to Him. I can just imagine him covering himself from head to toe, making his way through the crowd to kneel at the feet of Jesus say, 'If You are willing, You can make me clean.'

And Jesus moved with compassion responded, 'I am willing, be cleansed.' Immediately the leprosy left him. Can you imagine the mouth gaping, eye popping wonder! It would seem like a dream; one minute the man whose skin was full of lesion now has a skin as soft and smooth like a baby.

Jesus is willing to cleanse us from all our infirmities. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. When He touches you, there is no way you would be able to keep it to yourself but will proclaim it freely like the man healed of leprosy... like the sister who can walk and jump... like the sisters that cuddles her daughter.

Are you waiting and expecting God's miracle in your life? Don't give up and don't give in. Your time of healing is at hand.

Check out this testimony


Sunday, 11 May 2014

A prayer they wished they had never made

 'As I live,’ says the Lord, ‘just as you have spoken in My hearing, so I will do to you' (Numbers 14:28 NKJV)

And all the children of Israel complained against Moses and Aaron, and the whole congregation said to them, “If only we had died in the land of Egypt! Or if only we had died in this wilderness! (Numbers 14:2 NKJV)

Be careful, be very careful of what you desire in your heart. I was amazed how the children of Israel could easily forget what God had done for them, to the extent that they readily believed the bad report from the ten spies sent to the land of Canaan.

Boy oh boy was God furious with them and He was ready to 'strike them with the pestilence and disinherit them,...'(Numbers 14:12 NKJV). Their complaints and whinging was even worse because ... they had experienced the Glory of the presence of God and the signs He did in the land of Egypt and in the wilderness (Num14:12), yet.. they kept putting God to the test (ten times since they left Egypt) by refusing to listen to God's voice (Num14:22).

What did God do? He granted them their heart's desire. Talk about a prayer that you wish was not answered. 'As I live,’ says the Lord, ‘just as you have spoken in My hearing, so I will do to you' (Numbers 14:28 NKJV). Basically, ‘you wished you had died in the wilderness - your wish is granted’. All the people who complained from twenty years and older would all die in the wilderness. Not only that, they would spend in the wilderness, the equivalent years of the number of days they spied the land - forty days will become forty wilderness years.
It is a terrible thing to fall into the hand of the LORD.

After hearing this, the Israelites went into mourning and wanted to now go and fight the Canaanites. Still they did not listen and they were attacked by their enemies (Numbers 14:45). Talk about stubborn fools!

Help me LORD not to let my circumstances and situations birth evil desires in my heart. Help me to trust in You instead of complaining, in Jesus Mighty name, Amen.

This story has also highlighted the need to teach our children not to complain about anything and everything. A child that learns to be grateful for what they have and be thankful in all circumstances will avoid the trap of wrong desires.

How about you? Do you let your circumstances birth the wrong desires in your heart? Say the prayer above.


Sunday, 27 April 2014

As a man thinks in his heart…

‘...There we saw the giants (the descendants of Anak came from the giants); and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight.’ (Numbers 13:33 NKJV)

I had been so fascinated by the incidence that finally broke the Carmel’s back (so to speak) in the wilderness of Paran (Numbers 13). I had read this story so many time in my life but it was now making some profound impact in my spiritual journey.

As a man thinks in his heart so he shall be. The Israelite elders believed they were grasshoppers in their own sight, and also felt their enemies sees them as such... so they became paralysed with fear. I couldn't just imagine why this people would see themselves like that when they had God fighting and protecting them. They were full of murmuring and complaint all the time! As I studied the Israelites’ wilderness journey, I saw them as spoilt pertinent children who would never be satisfied no matter what God did for them. It’s all about me…me…me.

Just to read how God provided and protected them showed the depth of His love for them. Despite the challenges they might have been facing; harsh terrain, no water, no meat, enemies to fight, yet they only needed to ask God (respectfully not with complaints and murmuring) and He would grant them their wishes but no they complained like little children (God still granted them their wish... but oh boy were they punished as well).

To give them a little credit, some of their complaints were from the strangers in their midst '.....Now the mixed multitude who were among them yielded to intense craving; so the children of Israel also wept again and said: “Who will give us meat to eat’’’? (Numbers 11:4 NKJV). This brings to mind the statement...'Do not be unequally yoked to unbelievers.' However, they still had the choice not to complain.

They did not see themselves as God saw them – His beloved children, whom He loved very much and whom He would care for and protect. They still saw themselves as slaves under the yoke of the Egyptian masters. And because of this it was difficult for them to really comprehend the miraculous work that God had been doing in their midst.

Father, I am thankful for everything you have done for me and are still doing for me. With a grateful heart, I bring my desires to you without murmuring and complaint like a spoilt ungrateful child. Help me to see myself as you see me and not as I see myself.

How about you? Do you see yourself as the loving child of the Almighty God, made righteous by the blood of Jesus? Or are you still pulling yourself down and back with limiting thoughts and mind-set?

Prayer: Father I believe I am loved by You. I believe You are my banner, my Shield, my Strength and I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. In the Mighty name of Jesus, Amen.


Friday, 18 April 2014

The film ‘Noah’ or urrg

I went to watch the film 'Noah' at the cinema the other day, thinking I would like to see the story come to life on the big screen. It was a great disappointment. I've watched many biblical stories in cinemas that was much better, the script writers might embellish the truth or put their own interpretation to areas that were silent in the Bible but you would still come away feeling it did justice to the biblical story.

But in ‘Noah’, there were factual inaccuracies and audacious inclusion of events that were not in the Scriptures; like Methuselah appearing and discussing with Noah and his family; Noah wanting to kill his grandchildren if they were girls; inaccuracies like only Shem was married when they entered the Ark, the evil King also got into the Ark, Shem's wife giving birth to twin girls, Japheth being a young boy at the time of the flood to mention a few.

If you are a Christian, avoid watching this film! Watch only biblical stories produced and written by 'real' Christians not 'Hollywood Christians'

Having said all that though, the story of Noah, brought to mind the reason God wiped out the world in the first place -'Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually' (Genesis 6:5 NKJV). God preserved eight people to start a new world (sometimes I forget how important this family was for humanity!).,

But, I asked myself did things change afterwards? Maybe for a while but as man began to expand, the sin nature began to take over. Every intent of the thought of man is evil continually.... The heart of man is desperately wicked...

If not for the saving grace of our Lord Jesus, I too would still be under the bondage of sin. Now, by God's mercy, He has poured His love into my heart and has pushed out every evil thought. He has given me His Spirit to enable me and help me to live in this wicked generation as 'a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that I may proclaim the praises of Him who called me out of darkness into His marvelous light; (I Peter 2:9 NKJV). Noah was a second chance for humanity, Jesus Christ is the final chance - through the redemptive work on the Cross, in Christ God has given me the last chance. I will not misuse it.

How about you? What impact has the story of Noah made in your life?
LORD help me to 'be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2 NKJ).....think about whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, excellent or praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8 NIV).

As we celebrate the death of Jesus, let’s remember the reason for the season. It is the last chance for humanity.

And oh yeah, if you are thinking about something to do with the family this Easter weekend, the film ‘Son of God’ is in the Cinemas...

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Holding God in contempt?

"...Only do not rebel against the Lord, nor fear the people of the land, for they are our bread; their protection has departed from them, and the Lord is with us. Do not fear them.” (Numbers 14:9 NKJV)

When I read this bible passage I was floored. This statement was made by Joshua when he and the eleven chosen men went to spy the land of Canaan. Despite the giants in the land, the fortress of the city and the fear inspired report of the other ten men, he and Caleb were confident in the ability of God to help them. What faith!

As I progressed in my bible study goal this year, my spiritual eyes continued to be opened to awesome revelation of the depth of love God had for the people of Israel. As I follow their exodus from Egypt, I still could not comprehend why it was easy for the people to doubt God - He had promised to give them the land 'flowing with milk and honey', they were on the verge of possessing the land but fear and unbelief ensnared them. 

Who cares whether there were giants in the land…after all the miracles, signs and wonder that God wrought for them in the land of Egypt and since their journey started; 
  • parting of the Red Sea - 'So the Lord saved Israel that day out of the hand of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians dead on the seashore’(Exodus 14:30 NKJV), 
  • meat and bread - “..At twilight you shall eat meat, and in the morning you shall be filled with bread. And you shall know that I am the Lord your God” (Exodus 16:12 NKJV), 
  • water from the rock - "...Behold, I will stand before you there on the rock in Horeb; and you shall strike the rock, and water will come out of it, that the people may drink” (Exodus 17:6 NKJV),
  • victory over the Amalekites in the wilderness of sin - “Write this for a memorial in the book and recount it in the hearing of Joshua, that I will utterly blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven.” (Exodus 17:6, 14 NKJV).

The people saw all these with their eyes (as we say in my native language- korokoro eyes), they were not told stories but they were part of the experience, yet they still doubted the awesome power of the Almighty God.

Joshua, the son of Nun had the right attitude... Do not fear he said... this people are our bread. They are nothing....they have no protection.....the LORD is with us.

Having experience God first hand like this, one would expect all of them to have the same confidence like Joshua and Caleb but no- '......the whole community began weeping aloud, and they cried all night.’ (Numbers 14:1 NLT).

What can I learn from this? I got insight from God's response 'And the lord said to Moses, “How long will these people treat me with contempt? Will they never believe me, even after all the miraculous signs I have done among them? But as surely as I live, and as surely as the earth is filled with the LORD’s glory, not one of these people will ever enter that land. They have all seen my glorious presence and the miraculous signs I performed both in Egypt and in the wilderness, but again and again they have tested me by refusing to listen to my voice. They will never even see the land I swore to give their ancestors. None of those who have treated me with contempt will ever see it. But my servant Caleb has a different attitude than the others have. He has remained loyal to me, so I will bring him into the land he explored. His descendants will possess their full share of that land. (Numbers 14:1, 11, 21-24 NLT).

When we refuse to believe the word of God.. we are holding Him in contempt. Trusting in God is being loyal to Him and this brings His blessing and manifestation of His promises in our lives.

I pray that my challenges would not overwhelm me to the extent that I will treat my God with contempt through lack of trust and unbelief.

How about you? Do you still struggle with trusting God despite the number of times you have experienced His faithfulness in your life?

Prayer: Father, help me to be like Joshua and Caleb when I am faced with challenges that seems impossible. Let me trust in you and remember your help in ages past. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen


Monday, 10 March 2014

Getting rid of pests in a new house

I woke up this morning with the words; pests, termites, new house on my mind and I remembered immediately, the lessons I learnt from the book #EnemyAccessDenied by @JohnBevere.

In the book John Bevere gave an analogy of a new house; every where is clean but there were some cracks hidden behind the painted walls which contained termites; if the house was not fumigated before the owners move it, the termites would continue to eat at the walls of the house, creating cracks and before they know it the whole house would be infested.

When I read the book, the analogy had stayed with me ever since. When you become born again, you are a new creature - like the new house. However, there might be some spiritual strongholds that you need to deal with so that it does not open the door of sins/stagnation/bondage into your lives again.

Many born again Christians struggle with sin, some are still in bondage in one area of their lives or the other, be it lust, anger, pride, fear whatever. Some might be like me, with a tangled life borne out of being a descendant of an 'Ifa' (Yoruba spiritual divinity) man and growing up in an environment that was not completely dedicated to the One and Only God, Jehovah.

When I re-dedicated my life to Jesus, I had to 'fumigate' my body and soul with what you would call deliverance prayer. Although I was born again and I know the power in the blood of Jesus but I needed to destroy and halt all the 'spiritual' acts and deposits in my body and life as a result of the generational idolatry worship and acts.

Like with fumigating a house, you need special fumigants and experts to carry out the process; if not you will use the wrong pesticides and it would not work; if an untrained person does it, he/she might end up risking his/her health.

The process also uses specific prayers with authority. Every time Jesus cast out demonic spirits He rebukes and commands them to get out! 'Be quiet! Come out of the man.' Mark 1:25

This is a process that must be done by a spiritually matured person, one who is spiritually fortified with prayers and fasting; 'However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting' Mathew 17:21. I was not yet spiritually matured to do it myself or it would have been a case of the seven sons of Sceva '' Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you?'' Acts 19:15.

Whether you believe in deliverance prayers or not, I learnt an important lesson in the analogy. I was blessed by having Spiritually matured Christian in my life when I gave my life once again to Jesus. They were able to immediately diagnosed the first thing that needed to happen for me to become a new creature in Christ and get my tangled life untangled (I will share some of my testimonies in future blogs). If I had not done it, I would have been too spiritually immature to target my prayers at the root of my problems... and they would have continued to be problems that prevents the blessings of the LORD to manifest in my life.  I would have been focusing on the consequences not the root causes.

How about you? Are you living a quality life or you are not seeing progress in your life even as a child of God? You need to look into your family root/history and get a spiritually matured christian to pray the deliverance prayer with you. In the mighty name of Jesus, the name that is above ll names, every knee shall bow, every demonic spirit operating in your life SHALL GET OUT never to return in Jesus name.

If this article has blessed you, do share with someone and give God all the praise. I would also love to hear from you, share your testimony with me and we'll praise God Almighty together.

Adeola Akintoye

Monday, 3 March 2014

Why is obedience so difficult?

I continue my spiritual journey with the study of the story of the Israelites as detailed in the Old Testament. Every time I read their story I'm always stunned by the consistent cycle of disobedience – punishment – repentance – forgetfulness – disobedience and the cycle continues.

These were people that had real life experience of the love of God, yet it takes very little for them to forget. Whenever they become comfortable, they turn their heart from God. As I read the books of the Prophets, I could hear the pain in God’s heart. He only asked for their obedience – “But this is what I commanded them, saying, ‘Obey My voice and I will be your God and you shall be My people….. Yet they did not obey or incline their ear but followed the counsels and the dictates of their evil hearts..” ( Jeremiah 7:23,24).

Why am I so different from the Israelites of yester-years? I know that Jesus is alive and his blood continually cleanse me; yet, every time I incline my heart to the dictates of self centred ungodly desires, aren’t I bringing the same pain that the Israelites caused God? Especially, as He has sacrificed His precious Son to make me clean in His sight.

One of the things that made me stay away from God for so long was the incorrect assumption that it would be too much sacrifice. What crap! The expectations as I understand it in my journey, is to worship only God Almighty and do what is right & just to other people. Jesus said it all.. ‘Love God with all your heart… and love your neighbour as yourself,’ (Mathew 22:37-39) Simple commandment or is it?

Why is it so difficult to obey God’s simple instruction I wonder? I can’t imagine why the Israelites would turn time and time again to the worship of idols. Why would I abandon the Living God and turn to man-made stones/wood/crafts? Is it because man has to ‘see’ before they can believe?

I know we have expanded the definition of idol to include anything (image, material things, thoughts etc) that takes your love/time/focus away from God. I need the Holy Spirit to help me to keep my focus on God all the time; He must be my number one priority in all areas of my life. I must ensure I check my words, behaviour, attitude, thought process against His commandments, and learn lessons from the story of the Israelites’ relationship with God.

Loving people takes a conscious determination and effort. It is easier to love people we know and who are ‘good’ than strangers and difficult people or those we don’t get along with. I am challenged with this daily, so I need even more abundant grace. A lesson I have learnt along the way is to treat people the way I want to be treated; fairly, justly and with kindness – isn't this what love is about?

What about you? Is obedience to God a priority in your life? Or are you like the Old Testament Israelites – going back and forth in your relationship with God? Let's not be as God said, like  'this evil people, who refuse to hear My words, who follow the dictates of their hearts...' (Jeremiah 13:10)
Adeola Akintoye.
PS: If this article has encouraged you, do share with someone else to encourage them.

Monday, 24 February 2014

A life worthy of celebrating

Recently, I attended the funeral of one of my close friends' mum and this brought back to me the reality of death once again. At the church service, I looked into the lifeless body in the casket and later on at the cemetery I watched as it was lowered into the open grave.

Two events that man has no control over is life's birth and it's death. No one can give the breath of life and our death is a sure thing. So how do we use the time between our birth and death?

When I was writing my book; Living a fearless Life, one of my best friends died in her forties. I was saddened and felt the pain of loss ~ I will never see her again in this world. The pain of loss was gut wrenching, even now I can still feel the numbness of loss.

I was able to confront my fear of death as I wrote the book. You know what, death brings rest from the world's hustle and bustle. We rest until we are awaken to a glorious eternal life with Christ. Once you are dead, you feel no more pain or sorrow but those you leave behind are left with the pain of loss.

King David prayed, 'Lord teach me to number my days.' Since physical death is as certain as the breadth we take, I am determined to maximise my time on earth, using it to the glory of God for the hope of eternal life. I want to positively impact lives here on earth. When My time is up, I do not want tears but a celebration and worship to Almighty God in honor of my sojourn here on earth.

In the corner of the world where I came from, most people are superstitious about talking of death. It is believed that when you talk about death, it is a premonition of your death. You know what the word of God declares 'I will not die but I will live and declare the works of the LORD' (Psalm118:17).

'With long life will God satisfy me.' (Psalms 91:16). Live your life worthy of celebrating!