To be strong and do exploit requires the knowledge of God.
It’s not a head knowledge, a second hand knowledge; nor what
you read about. This is a first hand, experiential knowledge of the Almighty. You cannot pray and decree exploits if you do not know your
God – His ways, His likes and dislikes. His standards and principles. His do’s
and don’ts. It’s not just knowing these but walking in obedience.
The life of Daniel demonstrated a man who knew His God in
toto (totally). He knew God requires holiness – and he lived it. He knew God is
a prayer answering God – he did not joke with his prayer time. Daniel knew his
God so well, even though he was living in the midst of gentiles, he was able to
keep himself apart unto his God.
Many Christian wants the exploits but they do now know the
God they serve. Many have head knowledge of God but this is not translated into
heart knowledge. Having knowledge of God without living a godly life profits
you nothing. Although you know God, but you do not live a life that
glorify Him as God.
How about you? Are you master bible reciter, fluent
tongue-speaker? Are you even an esteemed bible teacher and magnificent
preacher? Do you know the God that you serve? Is your life demonstrating that
#PrayerforToday 6th
February 2018
Almighty Father,
thank You for the gift of my salvation. I repent of my hardened and
impenitent heart. Forgive me Lord wherever I have retained head and not heart
knowledge of You. Help me to live a life that demonstrate Your presence in my
life. In the name of Yeshua my Lord and
Saviour I pray. Amen
I pray
this inspires you to be more and do more for Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus
#AdeolaAkintoye ©
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