“So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone, and struck the Philistine and killed him. But there was no sword in the hand of David.” I Samuel 17:50 NKJV
The story of David is one of my biblical favourites. His life story is loaded with lessons from all aspects- as a leader, as a man with the heart for God, as a loyal friend. The story of David and Goliath is one that is told and loved from one generational group to another; young and old. The small boy that felled the giant man.
David faced the giant Goliath in battle. He was a youth, small and ruddy. His adversary was - well - a giant with years of battle experience, skill and expertise behind him. An unequal opponents. But one had the Mighty God backing him. Surely no contest.
David was a young man that knew God and had unshakable faith. “How dare you uncircumcised Philistine defiled the Gods of the armies of Israel." Despite his youth, David had a burden (vr 29). That his people were being mocked by the uncircumcised Philistines, that his people feared someone other than the God of Israel was inconceivable to David. That burden gave him the push to take action.
Unable to use another man's war gadgets, he had to think very fast. With confidence in his God, David did not look far for what to use but what he had in his hand. He used the tool of his trade; a sling. As a shepherd boy, he was responsible for protecting his father's flocks. He would have many a times used the sling to fend off attacks. It was a tool he was comfortable and experienced in using. He had the tool but he needed the parts - stones. Again he did not look far. He looked to his environment. To fight Goliath, David was equipped.
Many times we look far for what we need to overcome our Goliath when everything we needed has already been given to us - our gifts, our skills, the resources around us. Simple things to do extraordinary stuff.
Nevertheless, without God, David would not have succeed. How did the stone hit its perfect mark without God on his side? Your tool, your resources and gifts are not enough to overcome your Goliath. You need God on your side.
David had confidence and trust in His God. He was assured that God will deliver him from the hand of this enemy. He fought in the name of the Lord with the tool he had and he hit bulls-eye at the first sling.
The name of the Lord is surely a strong tower. The righteous run into it and are saved.
When you face a Goliath, stand firm in the name of the Lord. Use the tool God has already put in your hands. Don't fight using another person's armour. Be confident.
The battle is not yours but the Lord. He uses the foolish to confound the wise.
I pray this inspires you to be more and do more for Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ).
#AdeolaAkintoye ©
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